Monday, December 24, 2007


Star live concert had finally over...... Nicholas is the first singer to sing.. altough he is sick that day.. he still can sing well!! ganbate My lovely idol!!! u will be very very famous 1 day just like andy lau or other famouse singer.. *supp0rt u forever* MUACKSS!!

i received a christmas present from jessie jie!! i love that cute little thing.. thx very much!!
love jessie jie!! xD <3 =)

I'm here to wish u guys merry christmas!! =)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tang yuan!!!

its 6 something in the morning...xDD
im helping my mmom to make tang yuan~~~ lalala~~
later i can sambil watch nicholas.. XD sambil makan..

smile~~ =))

Friday, December 21, 2007


finally i can online! but just for awhile
later the modem's light blinking again.. zzz


No internet is so damn bored.. i don't know what had happen to the fking modem..
Can't watch movie ,can't go to , can't blog , no msn..=(

Today morning, i went to pei chai for my badminton training..the teacher keep scolding me..
because my shuttlecock reach half court only.. sometimes din't even reach half court.. haihz
why can't i beat harder so that the shuttlecock can reach the end of the court??!!
I'm so big size but can't beat harder??!! oh gosh.. impossible! now, i love basketball more..
just because of the stupid reason..=P zzz I must be more pro in badminton!!
i already learned so long liao.. 1 year + leh.. no improve better don't learn..=.= arrghhhh!!!

Yeah! today my cousin came to my house again..!! hahaha.. so i will not feeling bored anymore!
Again, we went cycling! xD but 1 bicycle only lar.. xD i cycle only mar..
my bicycle can carry 1 person only.. so i carry 1 of my cousin , and another 1 run lo..xD
i called her not to follow me because cant carry two person.. but.. she told me..
" nvm lar..i run.. can diet mar.." =.= so lame..=P and then.. we only can play Mario..
because no internet.. i played until sienz liao.. from world 1 to wolrd 8.. all completed..
And i saved Mario's gf =) wahaha.. Mario is so happy! xD but the browser R.I.P !! xD
All it's house had destroyed!! by me!! xD hahaha.. Mario is Cute!!

Now, i had nothing to do.. just listening to songs.. =)
Really hope i can call all my good friends to basketball court..
Play basketball together..
Keng gai together..
It will be very very exciting , happy , fun ...right?

Tomorrow, i have to go to kuantan specialist hospital again.. for my nursing course..
haihz haihz..hopefully the nurse there or anybody wont tell me "canceled" when
i reach there!!

.Smile always.
.Happy always.
.God, Please Bless Me. Thank You



Yesterday night, while i was watching tv.. i heard something!! "krong~" "KRONG~!!!!"
lol.. i was at upstairs that time..i climb the window n see... i saw a big lorry.. with two COWs..
Omg.. wat for my neighbour need a cow?? i wake up my grandma.. she say they wanna kill it..
because they muslim ma..they wanna eat it..OIC..
today afternoon, almost 1:00pm.. mean just now.. i saw how they pull the cow up to the lorry,
they gonna bring it to dunno where n kill it.. damn!!
SO CRUEL!!! the cow is so kesian.. sobs.. cried for it.. =.=
they tiw a big string on it's neck.. n pull.. the cow duwanna to walk.. so they find a big stick to beat it.
finally, the cow went up to the lorry.. i think the cow takut sampai kencing..
SO many urine!!!! haihz.. the lorry there all it's urine.. n the floor...
sobs.. the cow sure will cry when ppl gonna kill it..


/i wrote in notepad while no internet.. xD\

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


(",) luckily today afternoon no rain.. wahaha.. good weather!!! no rain!! what to do?! basketball lar!! xD just now bout 4:00+ eunice came to my house, called me to play basketball .. i was watching tv that time.. xD so i said 4:30 lar..and i called her to come in my house 1st, more 10 minutes only reached 4:30, she dun wan and she went back.. after that she called me..and say she duwan go n play liao.. wth!!!!!!! lol.. suan.. i go myself.. =P i cycle to the bsb court with my cousin without ball..
omg! they use HALF COURT NIA!! (all boy.. setali take de girl go =.=) still gt half court! my place!! wahaha =)) i saw my fren (evonne n a small girl) so i keng gai with them lo.. xD i wan go play bsb but lazy wanna go back take my ball..because there got 7 ppl.. if i go take they sure play full court..except those bigger they nvr come.. at last.. i never play basketball at the court.. i just cycle around there .. =.= .. now, im REGRET! ==" ==" ==" ==" ==" but luckily i played at home.. lol..=="

Sunday, December 9, 2007

=) =D =P happy days...

Saturday 08.12.2007!
Last night, my whole family ( dad, mum, dai lou, er lou, jessie jie and I) went to giant..xD we went they by A car! lolx.. pro! =P
i saw many people there! the parking was full!!! xD we round and round..finally we found a parking lot.. xD oh yea, i also saw wui sim, malco, and 1 boy same school with me..xD After came back from Giant, our stomach (except my mom n dad) were full! haha.. because Giant mar.. many things there.. and there, they promote this promote that.. so we try this try that, eat this drink that lo.. xDD

Today 09.12.2007
my dai lou brought us to Kuantan Parade today! xD i asked him bring me to Parade at 3;00 pm but he said he busy! xD so i cant see boy frenz lo.. =.= but, i bought a new milk teddy purse today!! yay!! xD Rm 15 (tiruan?!!) xP xP afternoon, dai lou brought us again to taman gelora to eat karipap!! delicious!!! xDD Now, dai lou went back to Kuala Lumpur.. =(

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

斗牛﹐ 要不要?!


wore earrings..


when to pc fair, and bought a new printer <> this cost RM189/199 (forgotten).. 3 in 1.. can scan, copy and print ..


started my maths tuition ..


hmm..I'm watching taiwan's drama there few days.. i just finished watching a drama<<黑糖瑪奇朵>> that act by 棒棒糖& 潶澀會美媚... their 感情 between friends is so freaking good..they all are always so good! they will help each other when that person need help! 十姐妹 六兄弟 they are same class!! both of them are so good at the end altough the girls and boys always fight in class when they six brothers just came to their 2 nian2 6 ban1~.. i hope i can be like them....hope i can have nine good girl's friends just like 十姐妹[i already have some!] and six good boy's friends just like 六兄弟[I have meh?].. =P this drama is stupid bt funny!!!

Now, i'm watching 斗牛﹐ 要不要?! just watched untill episode 3..because taiwan also episode 3.. nice drama!! is all about streetball!!! [basketball] but no rules d.. =.= lol!! geng!!! xDD i think 籃球火 will be a nice drama too~~ =)

Waiting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =) fast fast fast~~

: 15 december 7:00pm 8tv.. 第七屆全球華語歌曲排行榜:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

happy birthday ! love u ! muakz! (v0mit xD)

yo yo yo ! 29-11.. 29-11.. 29-11.. tell me whose birthday is ? wat? wat? said it louder! yea! is nicholas teo's birthday!! xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
my super idol!!! =P..
yea.. its today..nicholas birthday..

happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to nicholas..
happy birthday to u..

i know u r at china right now.. just to wish u here!! hope u will c it! but u don't know d lar.. haiyo.. xD just now really suprised nic online today !! at .. hehehe.. i copy nic's pic that he had just posted just now! xD

u r cute! =P

for nicholas! bt abit ugly lar.. =P

happy birthday!

love u 4ever!

support u 4ever!

suetyen's super idol 4eveR!
(eukk) xD << nic's fan slogan xD

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


hi, I'm back.. long time i dint blog.. xD

actually, nothing to write also.. i think to write about my pangkor trip.. but.. the picture in camera.. so.. i lazy wanna write.. xD

hmmm.. today, evonne called me.. and we talk so long! we talk together i think gt 45 minutes.. lol
she said she sat liun.. but, i always don't believe her..because hor, she alwayz wan ye! watever, next time when she call me.. sure say nothing jor.. xD how i know? because i geng mar..xD

so, how are you guys? got go anywhere during holidays..? o.O

I'm going to change my spectacles.. hope can change to phillip morgan.. that nicholas dai yan.. xD

Sunday, November 18, 2007

playing kite ^^

yesterday, i went to taman gelora to play kite.. hahaha.. the 1st time i playing kite.. xD
nice game! wohoo!! hope i can go and play again next time! i went there about 6:00pm +++ ..
my dai lou fetch, me , jessie jie, my second bro, and my cousin bro (biao ge) xD
really fun!! i love playing kites now!! hahahaha! the kite alwayz drop 1.. lols =P
and then.. the sand is so soft.. i left many many foot prints there.. haha.. xD

aihz, tomorrow have to go to school lar.. sure wont kena choose 1... hahaha.. XD

Saturday, November 17, 2007


h0liday will be very boring? =(

Is just wat i said in personal message in MSN, i will always miss u! tapak perhimpunan..tapak is the place where i alwayz lepak at school, i love to go to tapak during school except perhimpunan.. xD.. tapak is also known as basketball court... wahaha.. which i alwayz play basketball there! =P

I will miss u my friends! << hbd li wei annie evonne (saLE!) ying toh raney kaykey li yee n more more more more more..
I will miss u Puan Maini! << my class teacher.. everyday bla bla bla in class.. or " Wai, mari sini." " Wai, hari ini siapa tak sapu kelas?" "Ketua kebersihan mana, kenapa kelas kotor macam ni??" n bla bla bla bla bla..
I will miss u my classmates << ellyas, that time fight with me.. i WON! wahhaa.. im elephant mar.. nobody can beat me.. xD apon, he will alwayz say hi to you when u keep seeing at him ! xD anis, have 2 mak on her face, li wei alwayz mo fang her.. xD cute ! wafi afif n amin, alwayz learn wat i said.. because they tukang buang sampah so i called them buang.. at the end they called me to buang pulak.. " Wai, buang sampah la lu.. " =.=
I will miss u genie! u are going to KL T_T im here to say bye see u next time! xD

nothing to write ar... sienz le..
p/s : damn..why half of this post hilang ady.. type again.. not same liao..T_T

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


hey! this is the last week i schooling in 2007!! 2008 is c0ming so0n!! wow.. so fast !! i dont wan =X...

i got back all my results!! very terrible larrrrr
i get 4A 3B 1C.. haihz..

BC 83 A !
BM 80 A!
BI 77 B! more three marks plssssss... ><
MAths 92 A!
Geografi 71 B!
Kh 77 B! more three marks again!!!plsss..><
Sejarah 55 C ! most terrible!!!

yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... h0liday c0ming soon.. boreddd!!! no skul,no basketball, no chatting with friends just like at skul, no playing with friends.. lols..
friday we are having party!! in my class.. hehehe.. ~~~~ bye~

Thursday, November 8, 2007


wow!! today is deepavali!! happy deepavali to all hindu-s.. and also for annie ~! xP ..

today no skul!! today is FULL OF LEE HOM!!! wow!! LEE HOM!!!<< a good singer in everywhere~~taiwan,malaysia,singapore,china,amerika, OR MY HOUSE lols..
12pm MYFM!!<< i watch live in web@@ @ he was wearing a grey colour shirt.. xD his sound is so CUTE! lols.. he teach us to do some exercise!! hahaha.. im gonna do it! xDD who wanna follow..lols..
2pm AIFM !!<< i dint hear.. because.. my phone is charging.. and then.. Mp4 just finished battery.. =.= suan liao..
4:30pm 8 e News<< awww so CUTE AND HANSOME lee hom appear in MY TV! lols.. his sound is so special.. he's still wearing grey colour shirt..=P
8pm 988<< just finished listeninggggggggg, he wished everybody happy deepavali!! awwwwwwwwwwwwww.... lols.. his sound so cute.. lols.. his songs so nice!! he go ady.. finished ady.. cant hear to his voice ady today.. LISTEN TO HIS SONG! YAY! he is outside 988 now.. ( those DJ said d.. he is hui1-ing his hand to those DJ-s.. xD) i knew lee hom stayed at where.!!! he stayed at KL .. the place he staying there got many indians... so he saw many beautiful fireworks.. ahaha.. who got listen 988 will know~.. xD tomorrow 8pm .. lee hom is going to sungai wang.. for the only 1 qian chang hui in malaysia! i cant go.. s0bs.. i dint buy his album .. tak de $$ .. nicholas album? ade $$ .. xD sorry lar.. because ORI album i will only buy nicholas d.. this is my style =) .. see lor.. if he come kuantan.. i sure buy d.. xD i will change my mind..but i think mega or kuantan parade 's tauke sure sad.. cuz.. if lee hom come.. mega / kuantan parade sure burst.. dont cemburu lar.. who call he so famous leh.. =P hmm..

lastly.. see his picture.. and i wish lee hom's album will BIG SOLD! (da4 mai4) lols.. ^^ tata~~

Monday, November 5, 2007

im bek!!

yo.. setali court !! im bek!! hahaha.. finally my exam is over now.. whoooo~~ lols..setali court!! so long i dint go ady lar.. so long i dint touch my basketball ady lar.. LOL.. im so childlish .. i go n take a little boy bicycle n cycle..=.= lols.. nasib baik tak poncet.. =.= poncet then mati lar..the little boy sure cry..lols.. hehehe..

so sad when this morning while im going to school and i heard choong tan fook-lee wan wah lost to fu hai feng n his partner.. aihz.. choong tan fook, old ady arh.. xD hehe.. ganbateh in next year!! sure support u!! u must jia you lor.. xD

yoyoyo~~ i have a new basketball idol!! ALLEN IVERSON!! hahaha..

COOL ~~~~ lols..

sienz lar ...nothing to do.. i just can listen to my mp4.. nothing else to do.. listening nicholas songs =) this make my mood good~ make me happy ~ lols.. haha.. maybe.. ^^ nicholas u r the best~ for those who say u sucks or wat.. because they no "yan guang" xP hahaha... ~~~~~

Saturday, November 3, 2007


long time dint blog..lols.. yesterday, i went to the restraunt at air putih 1 (gao zhou hui guan zhu ban).. to take my MONEY! muahaha.. UPSR $$ .. lols.. so little nia..
i was suprise went i reached ther.. guess i saw who.. i saw hui wey..then wan qian~ lols.. when i went inside.. i saw 1 boy, that day played basketball with us.. if im not mistaken.. and then, i saw kar june! lols..and then! XIAO XUAN~~~~~happy larrr.. xD mok got go too!! haha.. and last i saw eva ( leng lui ).. lols..
i keep sms-ing with xiao xuan.. she was sitting at my next table only lar.. like that also sms.. lols.. bt dint take pic with her.. cux she say wear pinafo not nice.. her time ny can take.. SURE GOT CHANCE! she say d.. LOLS..
really suprise + happy! saw xiao xuan! wohooooo~~ xDD so long dint see her ady.. SO LENG LUI!! still hv a short short hair! lols.. hahahaa....

Friday, October 26, 2007

happy birthday to me..=P


thursday--- thx all of my friends who celebrate my birthday with me!! really thank you!! i love u all too!!! hahaha!!


friday--- today im so lonely at skul although today is my birthday..lols.. annie li wei evonne also dint come to skul today.. so im alone in class.. YING!! why u no come!! lols.. thx to hwei ling who always be with me today.. today really SUX! but little bit of fun n happy..because many ppl wish me!! haha~~ yo!! im just bek from skul..just now at skul.. 1st masa n 2nd masa also perhimpunan.. SIENZ! 3rd masa no teacher, 4th masa no teacher, 5th masa no teacher.. last masa.. last 20 mins teacher came in and taught us science.. sien... all the time i was with hwei ling.. or not i was playing with eu chen, joon kit, jordan, kwong ming, and more and more.. all boys.. aihz.. eu chen come sit infront of me! lol..(evonne dont angry ooo..xD) and then i played ji-qu-bak with them ..lols.. (evonne dont cemburu arrrr) xD but.. its really sienz without them(girl)..aihz...

sigh* tomorrow have skul again.. dont wan go to skul.. bt.. aihz.. see first la.. xDD sure lar.. see ISHAK also sienz.. lols.. but tomorrow got PJ!! others masa i dont wan!! PONTENG?? lols.. how can.. i only wan to go to skul because got PJ... aihz.. kk .. bYe

Saturday, October 20, 2007

FUN + FUN !!!! LOls..

hey! im back again with alots of FUN and HAPINESS!! xD
just n0w 9:30AM +++ i went to yen yee's house!! o.O yeen qian there too! hey yeen qian~~ long time no sEEEEEE!!!! still SO SLIM !! I CEMBURU LAR~

yen yee keep saying she is hungry! because she dint ate her breakfast! omg~~ its almost afternoon now!! =.=" we watch TV together~ suddenly "zhang dong liang .........." o.O nicholas!! lol..after that we saw highschool musical in disney channel, then i told yen yee the dunno which girl took a pic that naked! she was shocked! and called me to called evonne to ask her who is it..=.= really arhhhhh~ lol.. then hor, we called ying and make ying~ three of us talk 1 sentence in the phone, ying was blur~~ wahaha~ dunno how then ying was coming to yen yee house too !!yay! love ying!! after discuss and discuss , we decided to order MC donald! we phone up 1300 13 1300.. i dont dare to talk to the operator.. so yeen qian talk with her.. the operator talk so soft! cant hear! keep halo halo and halo! after ordeded finish, we wanna ask sumthing bt the stupid ppl kap our phone..sux!!! lol=.= so yen yee called up her mom, her mom say it mc donald only where got full ( because fried chicken finished), she say orded pizza for us! omg! so exPensIve~lol after that when ying reached, me n yee qian hide inside the store room which has bright light!! the yeen qian arh, keep saying very smelly ~ lol and then we keep laughing inside!! lolsss.. finally we cant tahan ady! we push the door! lol! we laugh until like mad ppl !! xDD haha~~after sometimes , the mc donald ppl arrived~

yeen qian laugh till so happy!? lols..

all ying took d~~ lolx thxxx~~ ying!! shh... i curi curi take d~~ lalala~~
about 1:15PM ++ , pizza arrived~ lol
eat eat eat~~~ come come~~

4 of us~

me ying and yen yee...<33

me and yen yee!!
me n ying ~ <333 muaksss

me n ying n yen yee again~lovethem!
triangle?? lol..xD

ying = nic ..hiding??? lol nicholas hiding?

k lar end lur~ tata~


Thursday, October 18, 2007


17.10.2007 (wednesday)

yesterday yen yee came to my house ! yay ! FUN ! FUN ! FUN !
we dint met a long long long long long time ago ! lolz !
we played together ! we eat together ! we cycled together ! we chat together ! we took photos together ! we sing together ! we love and support nicholas together ! xD

when we cycled together, i think of last time ying came my house and then i use my bicycled fetch her to piano lesson! =.=" the distance dint reach 0.5 km also.. lolz..walk 10 steps can reach ady i think .. lolz..

Sunday, October 14, 2007


today i woke up at 4:00AM ++++++ because my dai lou has to go back to KL..because he has to work!! T_T, T_T, T_T, T_T.... lol..and then i went back to sleep again untill 7:40AM woke up again..have to go to badminton training..**

i just back from my dinner~ damn bu blue shuang!!!!!!!!! (not blue comfortable) mood was so good before i went for my dinner.. when reached the restraunt.. near tanjung!! its was a chinese restraunt and so many cats ther.. im not afraid of cats but i hate the cats's tail touch my legs.. so damn geli~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ all the time my legs is kicking!!! kicking the cats!! untill no more mood to eat!!! m_ de u cats...... hey restraunt , i wont visit u again! untill there is no more cats disturbing all those customers to eat..

Friday, October 12, 2007


finally, my bro's new car is arrive~
very nice lol..
my brother is coming back tonight!! yay~~ happie!!!!!!!!!!

tomorrow is hari raya ady~ but for me..= nothing!! cuz im not a malay..nothing to do at house also.. i gonna call my bro bring me go gai gai~~ lalala~~ lol...
wat can i do at house? any suggestion?
play basketball? nobody teman me lar.. who is freE? wan come setali court play basketball together? ( say first, i very chicken d lar..-_-)
lame post again - suetyen-

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

happy,birthday,to,hwei ling a.k.a ah du..

today is hwei ling birthday~ yo~
i think she is so damn happy now~
cause ying gave her a suprise~
fuiyoh~ birthday mar..sure happy
ying bought a cake and a kit kat for her..
lol!!! we celebrate her birthday during rehat tme..
happy birthday to hwei ling~~ hope ur dream come true~~ hOpe u happy forever~ hope u smile alwayz~~ hope u pretty alwayz~~ hope u cute alwayz~~ hope u yeng forever~~ hope u cool alwayz~ finally, best friend forever~~~xD

sienz only 9:oopm..
just now chatting with ying..mana tau..tak tau pegi mana ady..
then find li kwan to offline jor..
tought wanna chat with cck.. who knows..tak de respon punya.. rupa rupanya MAPLING...
haihz.. listen to my favourite songs!!! so that i wont feel bored!! lol..
sienz sienz sienz
-a bored day-

Sunday, October 7, 2007

sungai lembing trip

6 of october~
errr.. went to sungai lembing after bek from chung ching see d duno wat wat wat wen hua dance competition..sienz..
we started our journey at 10pm ++++ ..
reached ther at 11:45pm something..found a restraunt..ate supper there~ and slept at a "HOTEL"..

2nd day early at the morning.. about 5:00am.. who knows!! RAIN! we planed to go to sungai lembing's moutain..BUKIT PANORAMA..
so my family decided to go after eating breakfast..=.= lolx.. 7:00am something.. we went to eat our breakfast near the "HOTEL".. then..we walk to the BUKIT..

first rehat place..

after 36 minutes~ finally~ reached the top!!
wo shi gu ao de wang zi ~ xian zai de wo,bu que shen me~i heard this songs!! ( open myself) xD

nice nice nice nice

tired ady he wan rest..=.=

second time to the mountain..

after that we went to the jambatan gantung~ and muzium~ and crstal house~ and pancing gua~ and a temple~
went many times to muziem ady lar!!!

look like egg??


natural phenomenan d guan yin..

went bek after this temple~the day end and im wrting now..will be edit soon..

-suetyen memories..-