Saturday, November 17, 2007


h0liday will be very boring? =(

Is just wat i said in personal message in MSN, i will always miss u! tapak perhimpunan..tapak is the place where i alwayz lepak at school, i love to go to tapak during school except perhimpunan.. xD.. tapak is also known as basketball court... wahaha.. which i alwayz play basketball there! =P

I will miss u my friends! << hbd li wei annie evonne (saLE!) ying toh raney kaykey li yee n more more more more more..
I will miss u Puan Maini! << my class teacher.. everyday bla bla bla in class.. or " Wai, mari sini." " Wai, hari ini siapa tak sapu kelas?" "Ketua kebersihan mana, kenapa kelas kotor macam ni??" n bla bla bla bla bla..
I will miss u my classmates << ellyas, that time fight with me.. i WON! wahhaa.. im elephant mar.. nobody can beat me.. xD apon, he will alwayz say hi to you when u keep seeing at him ! xD anis, have 2 mak on her face, li wei alwayz mo fang her.. xD cute ! wafi afif n amin, alwayz learn wat i said.. because they tukang buang sampah so i called them buang.. at the end they called me to buang pulak.. " Wai, buang sampah la lu.. " =.=
I will miss u genie! u are going to KL T_T im here to say bye see u next time! xD

nothing to write ar... sienz le..
p/s : damn..why half of this post hilang ady.. type again.. not same liao..T_T

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