Tuesday, November 13, 2007


hey! this is the last week i schooling in 2007!! 2008 is c0ming so0n!! wow.. so fast !! i dont wan =X...

i got back all my results!! very terrible larrrrr
i get 4A 3B 1C.. haihz..

BC 83 A !
BM 80 A!
BI 77 B! more three marks plssssss... ><
MAths 92 A!
Geografi 71 B!
Kh 77 B! more three marks again!!!plsss..><
Sejarah 55 C ! most terrible!!!

yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... h0liday c0ming soon.. boreddd!!! no skul,no basketball, no chatting with friends just like at skul, no playing with friends.. lols..
friday we are having party!! in my class.. hehehe.. ~~~~ bye~

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