Thursday, November 8, 2007


wow!! today is deepavali!! happy deepavali to all hindu-s.. and also for annie ~! xP ..

today no skul!! today is FULL OF LEE HOM!!! wow!! LEE HOM!!!<< a good singer in everywhere~~taiwan,malaysia,singapore,china,amerika, OR MY HOUSE lols..
12pm MYFM!!<< i watch live in web@@ @ he was wearing a grey colour shirt.. xD his sound is so CUTE! lols.. he teach us to do some exercise!! hahaha.. im gonna do it! xDD who wanna follow..lols..
2pm AIFM !!<< i dint hear.. because.. my phone is charging.. and then.. Mp4 just finished battery.. =.= suan liao..
4:30pm 8 e News<< awww so CUTE AND HANSOME lee hom appear in MY TV! lols.. his sound is so special.. he's still wearing grey colour shirt..=P
8pm 988<< just finished listeninggggggggg, he wished everybody happy deepavali!! awwwwwwwwwwwwww.... lols.. his sound so cute.. lols.. his songs so nice!! he go ady.. finished ady.. cant hear to his voice ady today.. LISTEN TO HIS SONG! YAY! he is outside 988 now.. ( those DJ said d.. he is hui1-ing his hand to those DJ-s.. xD) i knew lee hom stayed at where.!!! he stayed at KL .. the place he staying there got many indians... so he saw many beautiful fireworks.. ahaha.. who got listen 988 will know~.. xD tomorrow 8pm .. lee hom is going to sungai wang.. for the only 1 qian chang hui in malaysia! i cant go.. s0bs.. i dint buy his album .. tak de $$ .. nicholas album? ade $$ .. xD sorry lar.. because ORI album i will only buy nicholas d.. this is my style =) .. see lor.. if he come kuantan.. i sure buy d.. xD i will change my mind..but i think mega or kuantan parade 's tauke sure sad.. cuz.. if lee hom come.. mega / kuantan parade sure burst.. dont cemburu lar.. who call he so famous leh.. =P hmm..

lastly.. see his picture.. and i wish lee hom's album will BIG SOLD! (da4 mai4) lols.. ^^ tata~~

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