Saturday, November 3, 2007


long time dint blog..lols.. yesterday, i went to the restraunt at air putih 1 (gao zhou hui guan zhu ban).. to take my MONEY! muahaha.. UPSR $$ .. lols.. so little nia..
i was suprise went i reached ther.. guess i saw who.. i saw hui wey..then wan qian~ lols.. when i went inside.. i saw 1 boy, that day played basketball with us.. if im not mistaken.. and then, i saw kar june! lols..and then! XIAO XUAN~~~~~happy larrr.. xD mok got go too!! haha.. and last i saw eva ( leng lui ).. lols..
i keep sms-ing with xiao xuan.. she was sitting at my next table only lar.. like that also sms.. lols.. bt dint take pic with her.. cux she say wear pinafo not nice.. her time ny can take.. SURE GOT CHANCE! she say d.. LOLS..
really suprise + happy! saw xiao xuan! wohooooo~~ xDD so long dint see her ady.. SO LENG LUI!! still hv a short short hair! lols.. hahahaa....

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