Friday, December 21, 2007


finally i can online! but just for awhile
later the modem's light blinking again.. zzz


No internet is so damn bored.. i don't know what had happen to the fking modem..
Can't watch movie ,can't go to , can't blog , no msn..=(

Today morning, i went to pei chai for my badminton training..the teacher keep scolding me..
because my shuttlecock reach half court only.. sometimes din't even reach half court.. haihz
why can't i beat harder so that the shuttlecock can reach the end of the court??!!
I'm so big size but can't beat harder??!! oh gosh.. impossible! now, i love basketball more..
just because of the stupid reason..=P zzz I must be more pro in badminton!!
i already learned so long liao.. 1 year + leh.. no improve better don't learn..=.= arrghhhh!!!

Yeah! today my cousin came to my house again..!! hahaha.. so i will not feeling bored anymore!
Again, we went cycling! xD but 1 bicycle only lar.. xD i cycle only mar..
my bicycle can carry 1 person only.. so i carry 1 of my cousin , and another 1 run lo..xD
i called her not to follow me because cant carry two person.. but.. she told me..
" nvm lar..i run.. can diet mar.." =.= so lame..=P and then.. we only can play Mario..
because no internet.. i played until sienz liao.. from world 1 to wolrd 8.. all completed..
And i saved Mario's gf =) wahaha.. Mario is so happy! xD but the browser R.I.P !! xD
All it's house had destroyed!! by me!! xD hahaha.. Mario is Cute!!

Now, i had nothing to do.. just listening to songs.. =)
Really hope i can call all my good friends to basketball court..
Play basketball together..
Keng gai together..
It will be very very exciting , happy , fun ...right?

Tomorrow, i have to go to kuantan specialist hospital again.. for my nursing course..
haihz haihz..hopefully the nurse there or anybody wont tell me "canceled" when
i reach there!!

.Smile always.
.Happy always.
.God, Please Bless Me. Thank You



Yesterday night, while i was watching tv.. i heard something!! "krong~" "KRONG~!!!!"
lol.. i was at upstairs that time..i climb the window n see... i saw a big lorry.. with two COWs..
Omg.. wat for my neighbour need a cow?? i wake up my grandma.. she say they wanna kill it..
because they muslim ma..they wanna eat it..OIC..
today afternoon, almost 1:00pm.. mean just now.. i saw how they pull the cow up to the lorry,
they gonna bring it to dunno where n kill it.. damn!!
SO CRUEL!!! the cow is so kesian.. sobs.. cried for it.. =.=
they tiw a big string on it's neck.. n pull.. the cow duwanna to walk.. so they find a big stick to beat it.
finally, the cow went up to the lorry.. i think the cow takut sampai kencing..
SO many urine!!!! haihz.. the lorry there all it's urine.. n the floor...
sobs.. the cow sure will cry when ppl gonna kill it..


/i wrote in notepad while no internet.. xD\

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