Tuesday, December 4, 2007

斗牛﹐ 要不要?!


wore earrings..


when to pc fair, and bought a new printer <> this cost RM189/199 (forgotten).. 3 in 1.. can scan, copy and print ..


started my maths tuition ..


hmm..I'm watching taiwan's drama there few days.. i just finished watching a drama<<黑糖瑪奇朵>> that act by 棒棒糖& 潶澀會美媚... their 感情 between friends is so freaking good..they all are always so good! they will help each other when that person need help! 十姐妹 六兄弟 they are same class!! both of them are so good at the end altough the girls and boys always fight in class when they six brothers just came to their 2 nian2 6 ban1~.. i hope i can be like them....hope i can have nine good girl's friends just like 十姐妹[i already have some!] and six good boy's friends just like 六兄弟[I have meh?].. =P this drama is stupid bt funny!!!

Now, i'm watching 斗牛﹐ 要不要?! just watched untill episode 3..because taiwan also episode 3.. nice drama!! is all about streetball!!! [basketball] but no rules d.. =.= lol!! geng!!! xDD i think 籃球火 will be a nice drama too~~ =)

Waiting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =) fast fast fast~~

: 15 december 7:00pm 8tv.. 第七屆全球華語歌曲排行榜:

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