Wednesday, December 12, 2007


(",) luckily today afternoon no rain.. wahaha.. good weather!!! no rain!! what to do?! basketball lar!! xD just now bout 4:00+ eunice came to my house, called me to play basketball .. i was watching tv that time.. xD so i said 4:30 lar..and i called her to come in my house 1st, more 10 minutes only reached 4:30, she dun wan and she went back.. after that she called me..and say she duwan go n play liao.. wth!!!!!!! lol.. suan.. i go myself.. =P i cycle to the bsb court with my cousin without ball..
omg! they use HALF COURT NIA!! (all boy.. setali take de girl go =.=) still gt half court! my place!! wahaha =)) i saw my fren (evonne n a small girl) so i keng gai with them lo.. xD i wan go play bsb but lazy wanna go back take my ball..because there got 7 ppl.. if i go take they sure play full court..except those bigger they nvr come.. at last.. i never play basketball at the court.. i just cycle around there .. =.= .. now, im REGRET! ==" ==" ==" ==" ==" but luckily i played at home.. lol..=="

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