Sunday, October 14, 2007


today i woke up at 4:00AM ++++++ because my dai lou has to go back to KL..because he has to work!! T_T, T_T, T_T, T_T.... lol..and then i went back to sleep again untill 7:40AM woke up again..have to go to badminton training..**

i just back from my dinner~ damn bu blue shuang!!!!!!!!! (not blue comfortable) mood was so good before i went for my dinner.. when reached the restraunt.. near tanjung!! its was a chinese restraunt and so many cats ther.. im not afraid of cats but i hate the cats's tail touch my legs.. so damn geli~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ all the time my legs is kicking!!! kicking the cats!! untill no more mood to eat!!! m_ de u cats...... hey restraunt , i wont visit u again! untill there is no more cats disturbing all those customers to eat..

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