Monday, October 1, 2007


NOT FAIR!! I want my marks back!! give it to me!! ish!!
stupid badminton club..wat the hell are you doing?? dont know how to see? calculate? or?? need any calculator?? or spectacles??
maybe this koko marks is not important..but i still want it back!! i dont care what you want to say about me!! give back my marks la please.. this marks i shoud get!! i NOT rayu-ing you to give me bonus marks!!
hey!! im not a 3 years old girl ok!!
d0nt tell me, every saturday u saw ghost playing badminton at teo court?? i same with li yee..only she 1 times never go, but i got go !!why her kehadiran marks 43 and me just 29?? dont believe ask her lar!! is there any benefits u can get if u gv me so LESS marks..and say i just went 4 times.. !!!!!!!!!!!! at first, i think like dont wanna care bout it!! I CANT TAHAN ALREADY LAR!! watch out!! tomorrow i gonna find you guys.. tell me the reason why i get only 29 marks.. if you really can tell me the puas hati reason why i get 29 marks.. i will PUAS HATI..muahaha..

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