Saturday, October 20, 2007

FUN + FUN !!!! LOls..

hey! im back again with alots of FUN and HAPINESS!! xD
just n0w 9:30AM +++ i went to yen yee's house!! o.O yeen qian there too! hey yeen qian~~ long time no sEEEEEE!!!! still SO SLIM !! I CEMBURU LAR~

yen yee keep saying she is hungry! because she dint ate her breakfast! omg~~ its almost afternoon now!! =.=" we watch TV together~ suddenly "zhang dong liang .........." o.O nicholas!! lol..after that we saw highschool musical in disney channel, then i told yen yee the dunno which girl took a pic that naked! she was shocked! and called me to called evonne to ask her who is it..=.= really arhhhhh~ lol.. then hor, we called ying and make ying~ three of us talk 1 sentence in the phone, ying was blur~~ wahaha~ dunno how then ying was coming to yen yee house too !!yay! love ying!! after discuss and discuss , we decided to order MC donald! we phone up 1300 13 1300.. i dont dare to talk to the operator.. so yeen qian talk with her.. the operator talk so soft! cant hear! keep halo halo and halo! after ordeded finish, we wanna ask sumthing bt the stupid ppl kap our phone..sux!!! lol=.= so yen yee called up her mom, her mom say it mc donald only where got full ( because fried chicken finished), she say orded pizza for us! omg! so exPensIve~lol after that when ying reached, me n yee qian hide inside the store room which has bright light!! the yeen qian arh, keep saying very smelly ~ lol and then we keep laughing inside!! lolsss.. finally we cant tahan ady! we push the door! lol! we laugh until like mad ppl !! xDD haha~~after sometimes , the mc donald ppl arrived~

yeen qian laugh till so happy!? lols..

all ying took d~~ lolx thxxx~~ ying!! shh... i curi curi take d~~ lalala~~
about 1:15PM ++ , pizza arrived~ lol
eat eat eat~~~ come come~~

4 of us~

me ying and yen yee...<33

me and yen yee!!
me n ying ~ <333 muaksss

me n ying n yen yee again~lovethem!
triangle?? lol..xD

ying = nic ..hiding??? lol nicholas hiding?

k lar end lur~ tata~


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