Wednesday, October 3, 2007


omg! i did something bad today!! shh.. hor.. my best bud bad lar..teach me do bad things..(actually i bat lau very naught ady..xD) the evonne ar.. call me hor..
when we go to form 4 block i think.. we wanna find ivan ho lar actually..haiyo..mana tau itu evonne..say she hungry..and the time is 2:19pm++ she called me to go outside that aunty stall to buy snacks to eat wo..really arr..i said canot still school time ler..she said decided ady!! pui her..if got teacher say us ponteng ..hoho.. i said evonne!! xD no no so bad lar..jkjk ny.. i fell that i just like a pencuri wanna go out from guai xu.. =.= called evonne walk faster walk faster!! xD finally..we are SAVED!! xD
-pai seh lar..lame post..- (nvm lar.. i write i read mar..)

another things..hoho.. i get back my marks ady~ lalala~ lol~
---li wei this time charm lur..must pui money ady! because the blue and1 basketball that pinjam from mr chan hilang ady..o.O anybody found this ball please return it to mr chan..thx~ xP

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