Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yo! wassup 2009

Yesterday, 31 of december 2008, went cycling with li xian, eunice and evon.
we bought ice cream. and i was eating the ice cream and cycling in the same time. err one hand cycle one hand eat. haha. and then!!! when we wanted to go to bsb court there long gai awhile, then there was a hole, but i just cycle lo, whothef know when passed by the hole "golong" awhile then the icecream fall on the ground!!! grrr. sei hole. luckily only 50sen. and almost finish one. i ate till so shuang who know suddenly "golong"awhile then fell liao. (not me la, the ice cream i mean haha)sobs. lol. hahaha.
then cycle lorr, we almost chased by the dog!! Omg. really hak sei yan man!
well, then when raining dy, we went back. hahaha.

1st day of 2009!
went to a indian temple in maran.
pray pray pray, then go back. (waited there for many many many hours to start the praying)
stopped at serijaya. bought pao!
and ate yee mee and mai fan and hak min. =D
ok la ok la.
byebye la.
ehh!! why this year no countdown show in TV jor geh. sienz.

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