Friday, January 9, 2009

9 Jan 2009

time past in a twinkling of an eye. lol! Idioms. haha. tomorrow tuition teacher wanna ask. hahahha.
hmm. really fast lor. like that then one week already.
WAH! o.0
today sivik. Mr.Yong. haha. Learn Stone(basic) before you learn Water. lol. Don't learn water first. if not will be water brain. because can't learn anything liao. LOL! hahaha

crapping. zz

Today Really fun lor.
Exspecially in BM. hahahaa. 3rk5 will know what happened.
the cha bai ban thing. lol. wakakkaa.
cannot think la. if think then i wanna laugh dy. XDD
and in sivik period. keep on laughing only lor. hahahaha.

tomorrow having gotong royong in school. Fuiyoh!
have to go school again.

okiez lar.Bye.

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