Monday, January 5, 2009


first day schooling.
I'm 3RK5 now! library block.
sit with liwei.
class teacher is Miss Lim. no more Pn.zulkima liao. =,=
YAY!! NO MORE pnNORHUDA FOR geography!! YeAH!!!! wohoooo~
sorry la. i don't care whether someone will read this anot.
i will still type. cause i didn't mention about anyone's bad thing right??
so i'm not wrong.. bwahahaha.
right?! =P
=P don't shoot me xD
Mr.yong teach us civic. xDDD he came in our class today!
errr.. canteen's aunty changed! all the table were new! but don't know the food nice anot lar. i haven't try yet LOL!


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