Tuesday, January 13, 2009

small words.

stayed back for the so called meeting for badminton club.
LOL! actually i no need to go also can de lor.
=.= because........ heh. don't know. haha.
and hor.actually hor. i don't know when is the competition lor.
LOL! and i don't know what competition also. i think is sabs closed...
and i know after the meeting! i asked zhe jun. =.="
but now forgotten lar. =x
they already started when i went in. so, im late! haha.
hmm.. i only listen to them talking while in the meeting. hahahaha. xD

why my font so small???!

hehhhhhhh. don't know lor. XD

i saw three kam mou in our school just now! but i didnt see the face. cause im inside the classroom just now just now just now when meeting..

ah pek -monkey king bar and power thread and............and.................. tak tau. =.=
panda with cap -........................... i forgot liao .

dota! hahaha.
played with jordan yesterday. for sure...... he.... WON!
don't laugh me please.hahahahaha!

online then chat with me lor!
haihz. 6.

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