Wednesday, January 21, 2009


get saman after the assembly because i don't have ribbon. =.=
deng! last time wednesday where got catch ribbon one...
whatever laaarr. 3 marks only. =P

soooooo, stayed back for badminton again.
damnnnnnn crowded Loooooorrrrrrr.
lolx.. many ppl also want to join badminton club.
eat money de. wakakka. no lar. jkjk ny.
deng lar. stayed back just to write the namesssss. =.=
hehe. okiez lar. stop deng-ing. xD

!!!! i really dislike the who who who lor. i don't know her name larrrr.
DENG LA! just joking ny then you fking serious for what!
joke ny also cannot ar??! DENG LARRR!!
why so serious? tell me why??? everysecond everyminute also must so serious?? then your life sure everyday serious. i know when must serious one ok? no need you to teach me. if you want to do so, come lar! come! come! come! i'm not afraid of you.
joke pun tak boleh ke??? like you're the biggest.. the biggest one pun tak say ape-ape. then you bising bising there.
Deng you lar. can i show This >> F to you? lol. wakkaaaaaaaa.

after that, went to one stop for our lunchhhh.
the chicken got blood =/
thennnn, went back to school again and then to nicole's house.
play the pikaciu game. pika ball!! thats the game that we played together with lots of fun in LC lap.
I keep winning only. muahaha. *perrrrasan* =P
5pm. walked to school for basketball.
dammmmmmn hot !
and hor, the people who attend dammmmmmmmmmn many!
only 7. many right?????
my bsb sux to the maxxxxxx!
don't know how many years didn't touch.

i want to play badminton badly! seriously!
who want to play? can i join also please?

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