Sunday, January 18, 2009


yesterday i was so healthy but this morning when i woke up, feverrrrrrrr! headacheeeee! annnnd running noseeee!
yuan wang. =x
waliaooooooooooooo. headache arrrrr! ate 2 panadols but still headache. i don't want to go and see doctor lar.
okiez, talk about yesterday 1st.
Went to tuition at 5.30pm and while in the tuition then started running nose and i didn't bring tissue. oh! Cool man!
lol. then at night went to parkson to buy somethings.
after buying, while my mom was seeing things, i went to play this. muahaha. wakaka. this is for 4-6 years old child to play one. =x I'm 15! nevermind lar. nobody wanna play also. haha. it's a nice game ! can learn english while playing.
I played the mermaid, and one help to find friends one. and one more forgotten lar. =x

haha. who want to play then go parkson find ! hehe.
and i also saw something cute!

yer! basketball!! so cute lorrrr. i want arr!
but don't have badminton one.
this little thing cost RM34.90! SIAO!
after came back from parkson, then i played dota with shuni.
she killed me two times but at last I WON! wohoo! i didn't even kill her one time.
the noob me.. :D
ehhh, the storm spirit's ulti for what?? lok lai lok qu? lol.
went to sleep after that.

today. woke up at 7 and i felt damn uncomfortable.
=.= okiez lar. headache.

ohmygod. tonnes of homework. sejarah note. i didn't do yet! the relief teacher ask to do and tomorrow got sejarah. and he didn't teach yet. i think he taught but i langsung tak tau dia cakap apa. i only know he always go hak sei ppl ny. WTF!
Don't care. i don't want do liao. bad student!
tomorrow sure kena shoot by the relief teacher.. =x
who call me sick..? :-P
and who call me to hate sejarah. lol.

Bye bye.

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