Saturday, January 24, 2009

badminton day. lol

so, these two days went for badminton.
and now my right hand muscle very pain.

talked about yesterday first.
went to badminton at 2pm.
met a fking bastard motorcyclist. my mom almost knock down him. wtf!
he don't know how to see road de wor, simply cut in! lucikly my mom breakkkkk! xD
stupid malay motorcyclist.

after that, reached semambuuuu!
ok lar, im late. sorry! muahaha.
so, there were TJ, CB, JC, SY, and LW!
tau siapa? jason, chan bing, jordan, suetyen, and li wei!
played 3 hours. siao hor?
damn tired lor i tell you.
lol. i really just lie on the floor. the dirty floor. =P
btw, cb went back at 4pm.
so, thank you all for coming. xD
thank you jordan lee for making me so tired! xD
no la. joking.

went back home at 5++pm.
then walked to setali basketball court with li wei . =D
played basketball awhile.
then went to play gong gong. XD
childlish =P

went to ECM to buy my new shoe. =))
should bring my hp out lorr..!! if not then i will see the msg dy. haihx.
went to vern's. i saw many i like de lor. but don't have my size. ishh.
not too big then is too small! haihx.
so 8.40pm was in the car going to parkson.
and then went i went back to home i saw a msg around that time. haihx! if i bring my hp out then good! grrr. next time sure will bring liao. don't wan charge. =/

so i bought my new shoe around parkson there.
it's pink in colour. =))
but it's slightly bigger.
because got the size but don't have the colour i want. i want pink don't wan black. but nevermind i still can wear =)

i love this photo! although i look noob haha.
where is my head? lol. the sun covered it. xD

went to badminton again at 8 in the morning. @@.
went to semambuuuu right after li wei reached my house.
so, today more people lar.
got wai teng, renee, caryne, TJ, li wei, suetyen, wern yen, jae vonne, and benji.
jae vonne damn geng ok! lol
pro pro pro.


after playing 2 hours, balikkkk!

li wei followed me back.
after she went back, after taking bath, tidurrrr~~~ =D

and when i was typing this half way, mom asked me to help her make teow chew kuih.
the ang ka to.
damn nice one =D
i mean nice to eat. hahha.

so now i'm continuing my post. =D

nothing to write dy lor. actually =))

p/s: for my self. wai suetyen, can you please run when you're playing badminton? runnn!! use your leg to run!!!! okokok?? RUN ar i tell you, if not i deng you! I'm serious! lol. haha.

happy chinese new year people!
take lots of ang pao ok? xD

me also arhh. =P
I want ang pao!!! =D

oooooh ya. i won the AI + easy with myself! ok la. 1 vs 1 only.
=P after can win normal and insane, will open gg and play with them and probably will gv them scold. muahaha. don't care =P

don't forget i'm having PMR this year ok. =D

me with bro's new spec. lol. nice spec! =P

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