Tuesday, January 6, 2009

sue tyen.

tuesday. hot weather xD
school was fine.
My seni teacher pronounce my name as Wai-Sue-tyen. "Wai Su Tian"
LOL! sue tyen sue tyen. =,=
My name is Wai-Suet-yen xD
xDD many nick names. wohoo~
ahhhh. i saw form 1 students ! hehe.
many cuties. =P

Omg. science tuition and basketball same time! WTFFFFFFFFFFF!
friday 4-6pm. Yorrrr. Change time lor!diaoz
if not then basketball change time!! Yes, this is what i'm hoping now. but i still prefer friday basketball!!!! ARRGH! i can't choose, if didn't change, then i cannot play basketball! I have to go science tuitionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. There's no any choice for me to choose.
Go tuition,no basketball ! haihz.
don't tell me PMR don't play basketball! this is not a reason! =,=
Don't have any good solution???! zzzz
LONG TIME didn't play basketball liao.


i saw a teacher was smoking while he was driving just now.. guess who?
who will listen to a teacher who smoke, but ask his student not to smoke?

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