Saturday, January 10, 2009

gotong royong 2009

hmm. as what my title said, gotong royong in school today.
Lol. so i went to school at 7.30am. eunice fetched me to school.
When i reached, im the only chinese in the class,ehh. nono. i saw chinlip's bag but not chinlip. so i accompany kay key to canteen to do her stuff la. then annie reached and followed by jun yuan.
I phoned up evonne but she said she's still at home. but luckily she came after that.
and jordan, euchen came too. the Ketua Kebersihan lazy
kwongming, didn't come! =.=
too bad that li wei can't make it because she was sicked. =(
hmmm. about 8 something Miss lim came and we started to clean the class.
Eh! i didn't clean lor. i just helped to pasted up the paper on the board only.
Annie, Evonne, Jun Yuan and me went to shop opposite to buy sugar paper. jordan said liang you opened but when we went there the shop is still close larrrr jordan!
hmmm. after cleaning and decorating, actually i don't know how my class look like now. cause did half way we went to canteen then went to meng fong. heh.
But we did our works before we go lar. xD
So.. 6ppl(shitnoob) and nicole went to meng fong lor. RK4 they all at kemaman.
then, after eating, went back to school again. that time was raining.
Walked to evonne's house in the rain! hahaha. FUN heh. xD
actually the house is quite near lar.. and the rain not very heavy only. haha.
When we was watching the TV, SUDDENLY jun yuan came. LOL! he don't have his house key.hahahahha.
11.30am went back home.
here are some photos. tak sempat to received all.cuz dad reached while half way sending. haha.
i donno when this photo was taken =,=
the class.
only 6 shit noob

LOL?! jordan,the TALL euchen and me?!
jordan. =.=
eu chen and evonne
me? i don't know was taking photo la. xD

Right after went back home, i slept. hahaha.
then after ate my lunch and took bath, went out with mami.
bought a shirt. no need to buy CNY clothes anymore. heh. and then.....
I asked mami to buy KFC! haha. So...
For my dinner, i ate half of the newest burger, one drumstick and a piece of chicken, the salad, french fries(LOVEs),and cheezy wedges.
Sorry lah, Junk Foods. =,= RUBBISH!
then, went to English tuition at 5:30pm. Li wei didn't go =(
Many new students. Was laughing all the time in the tuition. Really funny marr xD
then 7.30pm came back and take BM books then went to BM tuition.
WOAH! tuition continuously. xD haha.
okiez la. so I'm blogging right now. its 11pm now!
nitex. haha.

many new students in Mrs ong tuition. got one new girl named June.june?. AP new student also.
=.= ok la. i just remember her name only. i mean for those new students la.
haihz.Basketball ar. =x T.T

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