Wednesday, January 14, 2009

bigger words =x

stayed back again for the basketball club.
heh. so............................. like that lor. hahaha.
just take form only. and write down my number for carmen so that she will tell me when is the training.
YES! change the training time! wohoo!! change!! must change! don't friday train. hahaha. i got tuition. mami don't let me ponteng. =x ooops. =/ but other day other ppl got tuition. =/ LOL! hahaha. don't care larrrrrrrrr. if friday then friday lo, i cannot go only.
wtf. =P

thanks to li wei's daddy who sent me back today. =)
thank you uncle! hahaha.
if not i cannot stay back or i need to walk back home.
My house is at somewhere around setali basketball court ! =.=
xD not very far also lar. hahaha.

ohmygod! got anyhomework?
hahaha. had a nap in the afternoon. didn't touch my bag also =P

okiez. is time to open my bag and check my books. =P and thennnnnnn, dota! lar. xD

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