Thursday, July 3, 2008


Next wednesday is my turn to cook at school.
So?? lol.
i wonder how's the taste. ==''
oh noooo~

I dislike my maths teacher!!! arghhh!!!
Lazy to talk about her.
Everybody said that she's good. But I don't think that she's good???
Can I choose the teacher I want???

Today is thursday dy. haihz.
Why time past so fast?

Crayon Shin Chan
Tom & Jerry
and more and more more more more~~
I love cartoons!!!! <3
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
So good if doraemon appears in this world.
so I'll have a true friend. =)
I want doraemon!!!
Doraemon is so so cute!!
Doraemon,I love you~I need you~

fine, nothing to write dy.

I want a true friend alsO.

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