Wednesday, July 9, 2008


hmm.. today wednesday.
din't stay back for st john . xD
Lazy to stay since it's raining.. but when i went home then not the rain stop?
whatever lar xD

Okayy. talk bout yesterday..
Evonne and I went to the N block to find li ann to pass up the form.
li ann's class is the most highest floor. the 4th floor?
LOL. we went there during maths period. no teacher marr.
reached li ann's class but there's teacher. we don't dare to go in and find her..cause we're scared of the teacher. =='
then, we wait and wait. we decided to go and find sam. pass by 5sc3 and go to 5sc2.
omg. there's teacher also. ==' we don't dare to go in also. =='
so we waited...... sit down at the staircase and wait.. more 10 minutes the bell rang.
But then we wanted to go to toilet. At first we wanna wait de. but too "deras" jor. so go down again and went to the toilet. then go up again when the bell rang. but we still can listen the teacher is teaching. means that the teacher still got one period lor. then go down again cause no point waiting.we had ponteng 1 period of maths dy. we decided to gv mhouw since his class x de cikgu but he don't want. so he gv it to schui. then we go up again to find li ann to tell her we gave it to schui dy and then come down again.
How many times evonne and I had climb up and down up and down? LOL.
nevermind. its an exercise for me. xDD
then climbed 2 floor again to go back my class. luckily there's no teacher in the class. xD i tot got relief teacher. nvm lar. who cares. maths teacher come in or not also the same.

Come back to today.
today, not good at allllllllll!!!
evonne and i went to 2rk1 to collect form and kena ppl diu. =='
then went to find li ann again. to gv her the form and then she gv form again to those who never bring. then we went to 2rk6 to gv the form then 2rk4.
that time Mr. Richard Lim was teaching.. when evonne go in.. he asked why we interrupted his class. Evonne so heng. lol.

Our class changed maths teacher ady.
Still a malay. this time is a malay man.
haihz. dunno wat wat Azuan??
tak tau lar.
2RK5 is very popular. cause our class is the most noisiest class. all teachers don't like our class i think.
this maths teacher very "pro".. ahem.. "PRO"..
come in and asked we learned until where. and then read read awhile, then gv homework dy.
he speak malay and talk damn fast. sometimes really can't get what he's talking.
today only the 1st day.. Is he going to teach our class until end of this year?? oh no. i can't tahan.
" kalau tak faham saya bagi lagi homework.."
i was like.. WHAT??!!
don't understand then gv more homework??? zzzz
teachers come in and gv homework only. then better don't come in larrrrrrrrrrrr.
haihz. suxxxx.

then, GEOGRAFI..
tot pnnorhuda never come ady. cause very late dy.
she always late to our class but she sure got alasan d lor.
don't care her la. zzz when we're so happy that time suddenly somebody came and call us to go to bilik tanyangan. when we went there i think got about 20 minutes like that. haha. so happy
but hor. she o.when want go back class dy she saman me o.
she saman me not because of my fringe. my fringe very short dy larr.
she saman me because my hair at side there come out dy. eh.. when i ikat that time din't come out 1 lor. then she called me and said jangan lari!! and asked my why never clip. zzz cheh. who wan lari from you o. you suddenly call me.. i'm on the middle on staircase i canot go down 1st meh? zzz. eh. my hair suddenly come out what can I do. if i clip infront of u then u'll say i pura-pura clip during ur class.. zzz
little bit of hair not annoying me also lor. and i ady put my hair behind my ear lor.
i don't understand why you "tai mm soon ngan".. whatever lor.. 3 marks only. who cares..zzz

and then arr.. she'll saman everyone she saw if you're not kemas. i don't know how is kemas larr (for her). zzz
because i saw she go and bla bla bla a girl and say bout her hair after she saman me. lol.

byeeee. nothing to write ady.
think back also sienz.
smile smile smile! =D =) =D =) =D

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