Friday, July 11, 2008


Hmm. like what i had mention in the previous post, i had geo period today. damn sux 1.
sienz. need to see the teacher . haihz.
luckily she late today. wakaka. next time late more la teacher!!
u more late, we more happy.
okay. PJ. played basketball .. wahaha. very very very very fun!! xD long time no play. =='
At first got bsb training today, but then Mr Chan said that he's busy so canceled.

Li wei came to my house.
And we laughed till mad while playing computer. lol.
we played bsb at setali.
said only play. keep playing at the playground, din't play bsb also. haha.
Wow, nobody came setali just now. Just me and Li Wei. xD


Around 6 something, li wei's bro came. He came and played together with us.
hehe. quite fun =)
I saw my dai lou driving the new car too. =p yeah, he came back. =D
played awhile then li wei went back.
At night, went to giant with family. Papa, mama, dai lou, jessie jie, yi lou, ah ma and me sit the new car. =)
Bought many many things in giant. haha. many things to eat. lol.
Afterwards, went to a stall nearby my house to eat durian. Yes, the durian there is very delicious.But quite expensive also. You'll love durian if you try!
Then, went back home. =)
Watched they kissed again. Sambil watch, sambil eat pringles until midnight. =x
Woah!! xD around 12:30am,too sleepy dy, so I went to bed. =P

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