Saturday, July 5, 2008


Went to east coast mall with Nicole and Raney just now.
Did you guys saw people go out without bringing any money??
Silly right?
Thats me.. =='
I forgotten to bring money.. no money in my pocket. 1 cent pun tak de.
I saw mami's friend, Aunty Teo.
I saw my tuition teacher, Mrs Ong.
I saw dai lou's friend, "liong fan". xD
But I din't see my friend also? =x
Then we went to yum cha in east coast mall.
Odered a glass of Ice Tea with milk using raney's money. Will pay back a.s.a.p
=) the drink is nice. xD
then walk walk awhile..
then balik rumah. =(
papa lor. so fast call me go back. lolx

tomorrow need wake up early arrr. need to go ap school for rehearsal.

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