Friday, July 25, 2008


hey. friday again.

Today is fun!!! it will be more fun if there's no geografi<<pnnorhuda!!
okay. i wanna tell something here.
last week, one malay girl didn't change her pj shirt. Didn't change pj shirt to uniform after Pj will get saman by teacher. And this girl is so lucky, she is sitting infront of pnnorhuda means she sit infront of teacher's table. JUST INFRONT OF HER!!! but pnnorhuda didn't saman her. huh??? don't tell me she can't see? and then today, li wei didn't change her shirt. and she terus saman li wei. woW!!!!!! so unfair man!!! what the?? lolx. the conclusion is, she don't like chinese and always find what she can saman us. just like finding a bone inside an egg(translate to chinese). can i use these word to describe? maybe.

li wei came to my house again! haha =)
went to school at 2:30pm . then went to 7-11 and yuco to buy something for anis. she is going somewhere else, no more in kuantan. she is leaving next thursday. ohmygod! me and li wei forgotten to buy sweet!! played full court! fun!! =D too bad today mr.chan is busy, so no training for today. =( at first was so bored! but then luckily suzzane they all came!! haha. i was so happy!
so that i can play basketball ! played match with them. i always amgong! in so many balls today. hee! went back home quite late. around 6:15pm? suzzane they all waited for us, they said they scared we kena kidnapped. LOL. when we go back they only go back. =)
ohya, li wei followed me back cause her brother said he'll go my house to fetch li wei. =)
heeee. =D

took on last friday. =)
took by nicole last friday. =='

today is kwong ming's birthday!!
happy birthday kwong ming!!
he loves to cry. he always "terharu". he's a funny guy. he makes everyone laugh often. =D
the birthday guy.

some photos took on monday..

still got lots of photos. will update if im not lazy. im so sleepy and tired now.
bye. nitex! <3

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