Friday, July 18, 2008


well, basketball training started!
haha. Mr.Chan is the one who teach us. =D
went to school around 2:30pm then put our things and walked to ying's house.
hmm, we almost sesat. we go with another way. haha.
Me and Li Wei did some stupid thing while on the way to ying's house.
what we did? we shouted "Soh Chin Lip" to find out where he stay. haha.
"Ah Soh~~"
"Soh Chin Lip~~"
"Su zhao si~~~"
anyway, we still can't find his house. =P luckily nobody come out and use broom throw us and said we're noisy!! =P wakakaa.
and then, reached ying's house. passed by jun yuan's house and saw his mou mou. so big dy. lolx.
ying's nicky also big jorrr~
oh ya. raney was there too~~
she's coming to sabs for basketball with us! haha.
okay, raney and ying was doing the puzzle we gave to ying.
hard leh! next time won't give you puzzle as present dy. hahahaha. =P
li ying's cuteeeee!! she opened the very nice song. twinkle little star, london bridge is falling down and more. niceeee song! =x
haha. when she was singing, suddenly she said
" oh! my kumon! never do finish yet!! "
and then ar, she even gv me see "off shoulder" lolx. sexy-nyerr!
walked back to school again around 3:30pm. it was raining!
then went to 7-11 to buy something.
then stopped rain. haha. luckily, i still can play basketball! lucky!
started training after this. learn many things. then played match 2on2.
well, me and li wei lost to eunice and ying.
buuuu! the result was 3-2. booooo~ amgongny. =P lalala.
played until 6:00pm like that then went back home.

oh yeaaa. dad gv me to change to digi!! yeah!!!! lalalaaaa.
i'm going to change my number sooooooooooon!

photos at raney there. will post the photo if she didn't delete it.
RANEY~ do you still keep the photos? i want~


okayyy. talk about this morning. PJ still ok. not as fun as last week since while playing, kwong ming's spectacle fall and broke then he went back to class. and then plus joon kit who always fault one don't know why angry what and don't want play and those pengakap sitting there blocking us.. so...but still ok~
yer! teacher gv us geo kerja kursus dy. yer!

pnnorhuda say her child hor.. if forgotten to bring shoes then straight away go bata to buy a new one.
but i wonder why her child will forgotten to bring shoes?? xD or maybe i hear wrong? lolx
she told us this because she saman chew for wearing basketball shoe. ==''
she like saman-ing people.

tata. nothing to write dy. nite..
i want to post about I cook in school. but i havent get the photos yet since varsha always forgotten to send me! ish! vArshaaaa! faster send it to me!!! issh!

lastly, malco ng hoon herk is lame.
who say i don't dare?

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