Thursday, July 10, 2008


got a new moral teacher.
a LOT of mustache. yerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
and his hairstyle is funny.
he looks scary and he's scary lor.
we can't smile during his class.
really funny ma. smile also cannot arr?
you don't let us smile then we gv u a stupid beh song face you very like lar?
and then we need to looking at him dunno write draw what on the white board.
his writing = cakar ayam. tak tau he writing apa. like writing the "fu" only. haihz.
and then we need to hear don't what he's talking.
haihz. if talk sikit, then bilik disiplin la apa la. why nowadays the teacher always use saman la bilik disiplin la pengetua la to "ugut" us?? zzz
so scary the teacher, we also don't have mood to learn moral lar..
luckily got people come and said we're having bc period not moral (we had a new time table) we all quickly chao. xD
but tomorrow got moral ar.. need to see him again. haihz.

okay, don't talk bout that. very sienz. haha.
just now i tot i want to help my grandma to fried the chicken.
who knows want to fried chicken is so scary.. when put the chicken down then the oil spilled out.
the oil jumping here jumping there. when want tebalik the chicken then the oil starting become hyeractive and jump liao.
kena my hand. pain~~~ lol
then i go away dy. TAKUT!!! =='
i stand very very far away to take this photo. ZOOM xD
u know the oil. lol..

haihz my stupid phone. when want to take photo then help me off the phone and then blink blink blink. white and black white and black. =='
sot sot dei dy. =='' I want a new phone!! if not then find a doctor for my phone!! bring it to the "hospital"!!!!

haihz.. tomorrow need to see n o r h u d a again!! haihzz. some more 2 periods.

friday is a happy day leh!! why want to put geografi on friday!!!! isssssssssh.

and then why need to seperate 2 periods of PJ to one day each?? isssssssssh. we don't need PK la. I want 2 periods of PJ on friday!!

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