Sunday, June 29, 2008

June --> July..

Tomorrow is the last day of June already.Means that i need to pass up my history folio, science folio and Civic folio soon. Lol. Before July marr. XD
Anyone had done science folio? What to write at acknowledgment?

Went to Popular yesterday with the new car. =D
I still saw many people at megamall.. Maybe is because of saturday?
Bought two new eraser and a correction tape. xD
=P oh ya! I bought a novel too. [october]
haven't finish reading. the novel is about 300 pages. LOL!
I saw Nicholas's album there. I had one like that but mine don't have his taiwan's concert DVD 1.. I want I want I want!! But i think i won't buy lor.. cause i don't have enough money. + the album only one more DVD nia. wasting money? haha. but if i'm rich, i'm sure i will buy..=P
money money i need money!!

Finally finish doing My Seni work.
need to dot dot dot dot dot dot dot on the Rose. LOL.
after dot dot dot, it will look like this....

haha. Just finish watching one of my favourite cartoon AtAsHiNcI! "karipap"
hahaha. today don't have BM tuition. i don't know why. Teacher sms-ed me just now.
tataaaaa nothing to write lurrr~
tomorrow assembly arrh. haihz.

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