Wednesday, June 18, 2008


rain so heavily today. make me so difficult to go home.
need to call my mom.. my mom need to ponteng work to come out and fetch me.
luckily ee meng and sharwinie got telefon card.
if not i cant go home dy. 5 o'clock also tak boleh. my mom said she'll have meeting. =='
i used up ee meng's card money. =x
cause when he borrow me that time only left RM0.50 nia.

I like the advertistment about the malay boys inside the bas 1? they laugh another person that reading english newspaper.

then got 1 girl ask them how to go to the national monument..

" err. u go straight.."

"dont belok belok"

"straight je~~"

hahahahhahaa. XDD

ooooh. tomorrow~~~~~ TOMORROW IS YING'S BIRTHDAY LARR!!!!

day dreaming =x

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