Saturday, June 14, 2008

wat sound??

just like usual, Li Wei came to my house.. xD
but yesterday was special.. Annie came too.. haha.
so.. 4 person behind in the car.. ==' + eunice la.. =P
hmm. so, we ate our lunch, took bath, then watched drama.. hahaha
then we went to school since i don't have any transport if i din't go with my mom.
2:15pm++ , reached school. saw eunice and phua. dunno they so early for wat =P
we nothing to do lar, went there so early for wat.. nobody also.. zzz
+ the weather so hot, how to play bsb larrrr. ishhhhhhh.
thennnn, we went to one-stop since li wei wanna go.. she wanted to eat. =PP
tell u all lar..
li wei o.. bought 10 packets of mamee =='
annie o.. bought 5 packets of mamee.. =='
suetyen o.. bought 2 packets of mamee =))
they bought so many packets of mamee not to eat.. is to get this little cute car. =P

hah! its mine~~~~ basketball.. I'M SO LUCKY! =D
actually i get two 1.. u know. I'm so damn boyish 1.. i broke the 1st one while I'm making this car. XD..
Hmm.. later our headmistress came.. she called one of us.. so we all just follow. hahaha. guess what she called us to do?
she asked us to teman her to behind of the library block.
means the kh rooms there.. when we passed by there.. she ask us to senyap and listen..

P: err, yang mana jahitan punya ?
we: neh, ini dan ini..
P: kamu semua ada dengar apa-apa bunyi tak?
we: har? apa bunyi? ada bunyi meh?
P: sebab ada orang kata ada bunyi pelik..
we: walao. bunyi ? tak de lah.. =x
P: macam ni tak pe lar.. sebab saya takut seorang.. saje nak kamu teman.. terima kasih~~
we: welcome~
P: waaa. murid sekolah ini semua makan tingkap ye..
we: ......
P: semua tingkap pun habis hilang..
we: .. hehhe..
(something like that lar.)
lolx. we were so scared that time. suddenly said got sound.. ==' omg omg. we always go there for our kh 1 larr..!!

then the second times she came to tapak and find us.
this time she asked us to take all the small small kayu ( behind the library block) for her to put inside a plastic bag..
aiyar. i forgotten she want that for what dy lar.. =PP
this time she also wan us to teman her. cause she alone, scared.

lol. our headmistress,
like everyday afternoon also at school. so hardworking... do what o..? =x

lol. so sienz lor that friday. no training again.. ==' wan shoot ball also cannot.. cause all the boyssssss~~~~~~~
but sometimes training also damn sienz 1. =P
then later when we saw nobody. we quickly go n play.. wahaha.
then thiben, loser and lum. played 3 on 3 with us.
at first we said who lose play with the next team.
so... we all simply play lor. CAUSE WHO LOSE CAN PLAY AGAIN MARR~~
then later those stupid dunno who, not our school 1 keep scolding us, called us faster.. zzzzz.. so they changed. who win play with the next team.
no need think also no we don't have chance to play already lor..=='
thiben the shooter there. =='
blaaaaa~ so we keep sitting there and see ppl playing..XD
very shuang also... hahahaa.

no.14 bsb 666666...

hahaa. tataaaaaa

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