Friday, June 20, 2008

hamburger, train... xD

lol. stupid title. haha.
ooh, it's friday again.
i'm not going to say about afternoon's basketball. xD special?
hmm, really fun at school today.
first period, PJ. LOVES~
we played "polis pencuri" i think this is the name for the game..
very very fun 1 ... keep laughing and laughing. haha.
waaa, today the teacher very good. play"polis pencuri" half way(actually teacher say this game is for warming up) then those boys can go play football. so we decided to ask teacher can play basketball anot.
teacher allowed us to play!!!! hoho~
so, we went to tapak.. saw chew, lum and thiben playing. we played 3 on 3.
later, soh joined us. but still lose. =='

second period, BM.
today's BM is ringkasan. teacher can't teach anything, cause we all went to change our PJ shirt.
we changed very long. xDD everybody in class also like that la. not we all only. haha.
annie and li wei went for duty, so i rehat with ying only. haha.
Zhi Xin teman me to buy drink. iced lemon tea =) cause ying went to change her PJ shirt..
The mak cik there damn blur 1 larrrrr. count the syiling damn long 1. =x
when i say i wan iced lemon tea. she call me go to the other if malay then the mak cik go there to take for them .. issshh!! make me need to wait again. zzz...issssh

after recess, Sejarah period. sigh, damn boring 1.
=P luckily Pn. Zulkima late. haha. So, while no teacher in the class, me, annie, li wei, jun yuan, eu chen, jordan, chin lip, kwong ming, joon kit, sien keong, shang xian, ee meng(all chinese except evonne) gather and crapz. xD We sang the song last time we always sing during primary. like when teacher's day "感谢您老师", when teacher wan retired liao, " 祝福? " aiyarrr many larr~~
and then we sang keranamu malaysia, jalur gemilang, negaraku, tanggal 31.. lol.
and and and the song during 毕业典礼.. ==''

"jiu rang wo men shou qian shou, yi qi zou..rang wei xiao qu zou you chou......."

damn crazy larrrr. xD
we talk bout last time primary's 毕业旅行团...
laugh till mad. haha. we talk bout last time "yu pei" thing during the 旅行团....
aiyarrr. later Pn Zulkima came dy so we all all sit back our place. we're good student
YEAH!! today teacher just check our nota and latihan ny. teacher never teach the new bab. luckily. =P
I almost let teacher saman. =x cause i forgotten to bring my latihan.. i did ady 1 arrRRR~~ ish..
teacher believe me so she never saman me. hah!

after two periods of Sejarah, BI.
Pn. Khairul Nisa' never come i think. Relief. hahaha!!!!
the relief teacher is good 1! =D
So, me an nie li wei jun yuan eu chen jordan and soh played hamburger. =P
childlish i know. =DD jun yuan always bluff =x
hahhaa. sambil hamburger sambil earthquake handquake lol.
earthquake is like this, hamburger is hand on hand right? then piak 大大力 the hand that placed under ur hand. when many ppl lost dy, when high high dy, then keep goyang and goyang. ==' the most down 1 is the damn kesian 1. =DD hahahahaa. this game quite painful. =P
and the stupid jordan's long fingernail cut my finger. ishhh!!
the relief teacher come and see we all play and even ask what we're playing. lol. haha.
imagine that those cheese, vegetables is our hand. lol.

afterthat, we bored dy. we changed other game.. TRAIN! know how to play?
put all ur fingers on the table, then count. " huo ce huo ce du du du , qing wen ni yao qu na li?"
and the jordan again, he said " huo ce huo ce fei du du.." ==''
this 1 played awhile then stop dy. not nice. =P

Joon Kit and Kwong Ming dance.
those dance we always see in tv when got formal party 1.. one hand put on the waist and another hand put on the shoulder 1. then must turn the head to right and left. then the girl will turn and like fall down like that and then the boy will sambut the girl. they gilir gilir, joon kit be girl 1st, then kwong ming.
"WEI! i want po kai liao la!!!"
they really funny. should take photo, but no camera or phone. school is not allowed to bring these things. haihz.
something like this. the hand straight abit and then imagine they're joon kit and kwong ming then very look alike dy haha.

then, balik rumah. hah!

after lunch, i followed dad and mom to go and see our new car. grand livina.
the car is coming soon!! haha..
then bro went to ttn, dad and mom went to work, sendiri at house watch tv until fall asleep. =='
really bored that time. cause every friday i will go to school for basketball wattt~ today never go~~
then i also never go to setali to play basketball~ haha
lazy marrr.

and now i'm here blogging!
going for badminton tmr.

oh yaaa! happy birthday to joon kit!!
and happy belated birthday to ying! (dint blog yesterday, hehz) <3

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