Monday, June 9, 2008

holidays end...

ooh~ school re-open dy..cause holiday end jor ma.. xD
went to my cousin's wedding yesterday at kemayan..
it's not wedding dinner.. it held at 2pm..
hmmm.. at a big big dewan ..? no air-conditioner 1 lar..
its at afternoon.. and its so hot lor.
i didn't take any pictures..
hmm, and the stupid waiter..
when he wanna take away the dishes away from the table after we finished the dish,
he take the dish over my head. and then he accidentally or purposely pour all the sayur zap on my dress.. wtf
luckily not on my head.. if not.......
i really want to stand up and scold him but i didn't..
make me so fish.
luckily its gonna end dy wan.. if not..u........

hey u waiter..
u should be happy and thanks me..
because i will remember you forever!!
issssshhhh!!! Zzz


OK.. back to today..
hmm, today.. is LI WEI's birthday!!!!! hohoho~~~~
happy birthday to my dear Li Wei. XD

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