Sunday, August 17, 2008

St John..

with teng fatt.. ohh, and chia and derrick. xDD
but nicole closed her eyes.
again with teng fatt...=)
hui wey !!! ahhh. nice voice. i want to listen to her singing again!!
st john flag. geng ? xD
eu chen's malay dance. haha.
hip hop dance? lolx.
performed by our school's st johners.
photos from nicole's blog. xD =p

Hmm. yesterday.. annual dinner.
reached there around 7 pm.
a lots of St Johners...
took my ticket and went in. the hall is smaller than last year but still in the same place, mexica. but the chair is nicer! lolx. and ooh, the tickets is more expensive. and there's 8 rules that we need to obey. hahaha. nicole is our table's leader and we(ooh, i mean nicole. =x) almost get scolded since we're so noisy. you know, kwong ming is sitting with us. If he screammmmmmmmmmmm, ahh. aiyo, can't blame him lah. we all were TOO HIGH. =x

ooh. there were 11 st johners in my table. evonne, nicole, zhi xin, wai teng, jordan, sien keong, chin lip, eu chen, kwong ming, jun yuan and me. ooh,and Raney. haha. =p shhh.
all of us were asked not to make any noise when the doctor is giving his speech. ALL MUST BE IN SILENT MODE.
the food there were quite ok.
sei jordan, asked me not to bring my stomach go. he was so scared that i will eat all his DELICIOUS food. ==' he said he was damn hungry.
and the performance was superb!
- malay dance by eu chen, eric, wei jin and three girls.
eu chen said it was his first time to make up. and he so scared that he will stomachache after eating the lipstick. =='
- hui wey sang many songs. very nice. Everyone request for ENCORE. =P
- hip hop dance by our school st johners. interesting also....
- flag things by mgs school st johners. it was interesting!! ahh!
- and many more performances. =D

the dinner end around 11pm. took some photos. and went back home. =D

evonne, me and raney.
three of us.
jordan, he was too hungry.
half evonne, me, raney and nicole.
nicole is not looking at camera =p
the gay couple. =P
Raney! <3
with man houw! XD

there're still some photos.i didn't get them yet. hehe.

Annual inspection. woke up very early in the morning. around 6:10am. =P
reached the field around 7++am. evonne sms-ed me and asked me whether she is late anot. and i replied "no gua, im still at home." she replied me " faster lah. You're LATE!"
LOLX. =='

it was quite fun to stand there listening to the Dato' Dr. Low to speech. hehe. he told us a lots of interesting story. haha. he is friendly!! and i wonder why there's so many bees!! BEE! ~bzzz bzzz.~ lolx after walked around the field, i mean kawad lar hehe, the performance team perform. and then was first aid competition. our school lost. MGS is the winner .
and today was the commander's birthday, pey sien. happy birthday to her! =D
before going back, took a ice-cream and fried rice and a bottle of mineral water. =)
with sook yee.

Lee Chong Wei(Malaysia) VS Lin Dan(China) later 8:48pm. ahh. I'm so excited!!
i support Lin Dan ACTUALLY. But don't know why this time i support Lee CW. haha.
LCW!! GOOD LUCK! GET THE FIRST GOLD MEDAL FOR MALAYSIA. and we'll proud of you. it will be a history. chinese get the 1st gold for Malaysia. =P


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This blog could be more exciting if you can create another topic that everyone can relate on.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

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Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.

Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.

Anonymous said...

Its ok if the appearance of your blog is not good. The important thing is the topic or the content of your blog.