Tuesday, August 5, 2008


today bc teacher got meeting so we didn't learn bc today.
=) we stand outside of bilik moral waiting for teacher but the teacher got meeting so we went to 2rk6 but the teacher asked us to go library but we lazy so at last go back to my class, 2rk5!! lolx.
talk crapz.0
then after recess, apon(monitor) said sj teacher not coming. relief . and kena marah for the whole period. and they say we all is the noisiest. so kena samannn and samannn. but i didn't kena cause i sit at my place that time and i didn't join them. not lucky at all lor. i think those drama one more noisy then chinese ar! gundutdaguorendelaoshi
next time i better diam diam, if not..... but sometimes i beh tahan maarrrr =x

Very sienz lorrrrr!
haihx. must speak english next time in class, if not they will say we all say about people's bad thing. really YUAN WANG! but we can improve our language skill! hahahahha.

aiyorr. until now i haven't finish my "they kissed again" drama =='
and my story books also haven't finish yet =p
oh my homework also haven't finish !! =x

beijing olimpik!!! 080808! =D

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