Tuesday, August 19, 2008


刘翔!! 加油!! 刘翔!! 加油!! 刘翔!! 加油!! 刘翔!! 加油!!

just finish reading newspaper. and d0n't know why suddenly I sympathize to liu xiang. when the competition is almost start, suddenly his foot pain. and he need to give up. he MUST give up. =( owhh, what a sad news.

we'll still support you. you're the best runner in the world.
d0n't be upset or sad. although you had miss the Gold medal this time, but you still have your leg. LUCKILY you gave up. if not, your leg will be more painful. You'll get your gold medal so0n. and i'm sure you'll get it ! everyone will support you! and hope your leg will be cure soon. stay healthly! =D

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