Thursday, August 14, 2008


someone keep using my name to make alyssa confused!!
when i type my name as suetyen and chat with alyssa at her cbox. he/she using my name and type many rubbish there. what a useless person.

he/she said

"hey, i changed my phone number because someone has been disturbing me"
"if you see another person with the name suet yen, he/she is a faker"
"eh my imposter can you pls go away anort?"
"that is the fake me, alyssa don't believe him/her"

Hey you, since when i changed my number to hotlink. damn stupid sia. i'm using digi one la bengong. and nobody is disturbing me using their phone lah babi. and you some more wanna type your number out. nobody want to disturb you lah. don't be so perasan.
and you said if another person with the name suet yen is a faker. so are you scolding yourself??
and when i told alyssa that i didn't change number, u said that is the fake me.. ==' you're so stupid lor.

and then when i changed my name to wsy and asked alyssa for her msn.. you followed again. really a "gan mei gao". =='

he/she said again
"no, that is a fake one don't trust him/her"
"don't give him your msn/email, he/she will trick you"

never mind alyssa. i'll get your msn from su xin. ;)

and thanks to the people who help me to scold that "God".
now he/she lut liao don't dare to come my blog dy. haha. =p

edited: aiyo.. he/she came back again!! argh!! ngo tai mm dou ngo tai mm dou~~ LOlx stephen chow. lei tai ngo mm dou~ lei tai ngo mm dou~

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