Sunday, August 10, 2008


yesterday, saturday.
schooling day =/
went to school.
only 20 of us came. for chinese i think only li wei, evonne, jordan, eu chen and shang xian skipped school =x evonne went to KL ;)
hehe. guess what? RELIEF FOR GEOGRAFI!!!! woah!! XD
hahaha. used public phone to called li wei, evonne, eu chen and jordan during recess. but only jordan picked up the phone. and he was sleeping that time! =p
most of the teachers never teach, except science.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 6went ^^

KFC! =p
oh no, haven't start to do geography folio yet...!!

skipped st john annual inspection rehearsal since it was raining when i woke up this morning.
sms-ed wai teng and asked her whether she's still going anot. and then zhi xin sms-ed me. and then li yee and pui yee phoned me. lolx.
so i asked priscilla. she said yes and will start when the rain stop.
but then since zhi xin they all not going, so i not going also lah. =x cause evonne was in kl and nicole not going also.

Beijing Olympic opening ceremony very nice!! *clap clap* hehe.
i saw yao ming!!!he's the one who take the flag for china.
i fall asleep already actually cause i was too tired =o
luckily my dad woke me up when china came in to the stadium.. yay! yao ming!
but too bad i can't see Kobe Bryant!!! and those NBA players! aihzz
and i went to bed after china went in to the stadium.
too bad! =/ i can't see the the ppl light up the big obor and those beautiful fireworks!!

and to the people who pollute my cbox and even use my name and say rubbish there, very fun izzit? play la if fun. zzz i don't care you. some more use God as your name. haihx. and that person keep visit my blog.

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