Friday, August 8, 2008


080808. woah! wat a nice date!
yes, Olympic 2008 which held in Beijing.
the opening ceremony will be start at 8:08pm afterwards. haha. 0808080808. lolx
fatt fatt fatt. xD

I still went to school for basketball although Mr.Chan said there's no training today.
It was so fun! yea, fun!!! haha.
but i was quite dissapointed because youknowwhy.
time fly really fast. august already. i need to appreciate the time now.
oooh. i miss 6! 6 oh 6!
luckily i went to school.
=) there's only 3 girls playing basketball. me, li wei and eunice.
played until 6pm.
eunice and tin jason followed my car back.
oooh, i pokai just now while i found li wei's ball! so yupei!!!
but luckily nobody saw it. i think only li wei and bejamin a.k.a jordan's bro saw it.. =x

haihx. tomorrow got school arrhh!
i don't want to go la!! cause there's geografi! today 2 period already enough lorrr. tomorrow still got 2 periods again.!!! argh!! cause tomorrow was the replacement for don't know what date but follow friday's time table 1. argh!! and then arr, all my friends are not going tomorrow!! even my monitor and assistant also not going!! waaaa.
i need to move to infront again tomorrow! because she always said "isi kan tempat kosong di depan. saya bilang sampai 3. 1, 2, 3." (if didn't move yet then cubit!!!) arrrgh. but i love to sit behind laaarr! i don't want to sit in front of her! its a little bit of scary lolx.

oooh! Olympic! i love beijing! i love china! the open ceremony is gonna start soon!! very very soon! few minutes more! yea! sit in front of tv! hahah.
oooh, i'm in beijing now. lolx. crapz! =p

One world, One dream.


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