Saturday, August 2, 2008


annie liwei evonne came to my house to do seni. but didn't to anything.. how??
then went to teo around 11 for badminton competition again..ohmygodhejoinedthiscomtoo.
today is for boys single double and mixed double.
i joined mixed double. my partner is desmond lim.
1st match played with jordan and li wei.
we won.
then played with xin hui and mohan, form 5 de..
1st game we lost. *i too nervous jor* you know lor.. they so geng!
2nd game, guess what? WE WON!!!!!
well, 3rd game.. 21-17/18. lost................................................................................
i felt sorry to desmond.
lost just because i keep out, out, and out.
if not then cant beat the ball. i donno why lor. aihx.
sorry ya desmond.

haihz. my right hand and both my legs' muscle so pain. cant walk properly..! =='
tomorrow still need rehearsal. aihx.can die.
tomorrow 3 on 3 arh!!!! yer!! miss it jor!!!!! ishhhh!!! =(

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