Sunday, May 24, 2009

Night at the musuem 2

okay, my big brother and jessie jie came back on friday.
happy !
Saturday, jessie jie brought rasamas from ecm for lunch..
nice.. =)
At night, Big brother, second brother, jessie jie and I went to Megamall..
The singer Lin Jian Hui was there TOO !!
But.. too bad.. he was late !! i thought he should be there at 8pm ? but we reached there at 8.30pm, he havent come out.. So, i didn't see him.. haha
we was in third floor, i heard the wo ting jian you ren jiao ni bao bei, i thought he was singing ! but who knows CHEH ! the song is from the CD.
Okay, actually we went to megamall not for Lin Jian Hui but to watch Night at the musuem 2..
the movie started at 8.35pm.
I heard those people down there shouting before i went in to the cinema.. maybe Lin Jian Hui appeared on the stage.. O.o
I heard voices.. thats all. hahaha
Okay la, actually i saw him la.. i mean the poster ma hahaha

Lets talk about the movie..
hahahaha. quite funny.
Kahmunrah !! XDD
the movie end at 10.30pm.
The cinema was fully packed !
=='' I thought monday is exam ? XDD

Then, went back home.
Okay, when the car was infront the megamall, the wall there can sit one.. then i was in the car..
i saw some malay girls were taking photo.. then i just keep looking at them lorr.
then hor, a malay girl jump up and sit, the another one, she tried to jump BUT FAILED. second time, FAILED too. I was laughing like hell in the car. MUAHAHAHAHA.
okay, i know i shouldn't laugh XD but really funny, if you saw you also would laugh !
THE POINT IS, They saw me laughing at them, they was pointing towards me ! wtf.
and the malay girl was so embarrased. =x
they laughed too. XDDD
MUAHAHAHA. i didn't notice they knew i was laughing at them until my brothers told me XD
Because i was laughing all the time~
my brother said me stupid, laugh people still wanna looked at them XDD




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