Saturday, May 2, 2009

Music-Man Lee Hom.

Wow, today is lee hom's concert!
wohooo! evonne is there!!!
OMGGG!! I want to be there too =x
can can can? XD
aiyoo. cant laa. XD
just now evonne messaged me when i was in badminton training at kyk.
yeaa, i went there! before that damn scare lol
well, she messaged me to tell me the price of the t shirt that i want to buy, it cost RM75!!!
siao. I got no money. not no, is not so much. i mean in my tabung. lol
Eh, actually i didn't count lehh, maybe got lerrr. XD
But, i told her i don't want to buy, because it's really expensive!
But i want the shirt badlyyyyyy!!
someone please get one for me xD

haha.OK. stop dreaming of that. XD
lets talk about the badminton training.
Haha. Yeaaa keep on laughing only xD
it was really funny.
the coach is funny!
XD very fun. XD
but i need to rush to tuiton at 5.30pm.
I can't late to tuition!! haha. if not my beloved english teacher will asked me whether I'm following which country's clock. haha
Yea, my tuition teacher was a funny teacher too! hahaa.

K laa. till here first. =)

p/s: I want to chat with you, Can I?

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