Friday, May 1, 2009


today is labour day! Happy Labour Day!
well, today is also a holiday for all of us. hahaha.

Didn't make it for basketball, due to my laziness for waking up at 7 in the morning. xD Plus, nobody called me this morning, so i think they were not going for basketball too. haha.
So, went to the semambu for badminton =)
many people.. plus li wei's bro and his friends, we booked four courts.
Two were for us, and another two were for them XD
Played single with kwong ming as we had said it earlier, and Oh, i lost. haha. As a promised, RM2's drink for the winner =x elehhh~ MY RM2!!! lolx
But... Eu Chen! he wanted to play with me. and the loser must treat drink also.
And YES, I WON! muahaha. so my RM2 is back. =P
Next time i wanna beat Kwong Ming! =PP Cause he said who can beat him is a pro XD hahaha.
He's funny but PRO xD he had many FUNNY POST. XD

Back at 10am. Dai lou came and fetched me, then we went a food court around Air Putih to da pao breakfast.
eh, T&L morning also open? lol. i thought at night only. XD

oooh, Geografi teacher is going to check our folio next week. From elemen 1 to elemen 7?
I haven't do yet, not even start to do.
Friends, Help me ! xD

OK, i think i have to start doing the folio. I don't want to last minute. ;x
Last minute always not a good idea. =PP
But.......... i like last minute =xx

Evonne said she's going to Lee Hom's concert ! Ahhh! so good =x
I'm having green eye. lol haha joking.

k laa, till here then. bye!

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