Monday, May 4, 2009

Generasi Sihat Tanpa Dadah.

My title is so......... huh? XD
so, today i went to SMK panglima perang for the PPDA..?? stand for ?? i don't know. xD
Anti dadah thing.
i went there for drawing poster competition.
and yea, i chose this title, generasi sihat tanpa dadah. XD
ahh i love what i draw although it's not as nice and pretty as others.
you know why?
i drew one boy playing badminton <3, one boy playing tennis, one boy playing basketball<3 and one boy running =)..
HAHAHA. i know you know. XD shhhh.
......i love bdm and bsb :P
i want my drawing back ! =P can i ? XD
3 and a half hours to draw =x
wtf, long hor?
heh, after drawing, then, went to the dewan, watch.. don't know what barat =.=
Our school joined! Wafi, Amin and Alif was one of them, well, its a team.
=) quite nice laa.
Wah that time my stomach damn hungry lorrrrr. =x luckily i ate before went to school, but still hungry laaah, you know lorr, 1pm +++ and you know lorr, i love to eat =p nono, it's lunch ok! =P

ok, then went back to sabs, it's already 2pm!
went to rk6 for chinese class, that time already 2.10pm XD
luckily rk6 girls made cake, and i ate. XDDD
thanks yaaaaaaa. ;P

and oooh,
Happy birthday to Caryne ! ;D
Selamat Hari Jadi !
Sheng Ri Kuai Le !
Sang Yat Fai Lok !
Dreams come true !
smile always !
Happy Always !
Lovessssssssssssssssssss <3

grabbed from her friendster XDD


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