Tuesday, April 28, 2009

tagged by eleanor.

1.My Name : Suetyen
2.My Birthday : 26-10-1994
3.Who tagged you : eleanor
4.Name 5 best friends : you, you, you, you, and you.
5.What do you wished for birthday : Happy and healthy
6.Happy things that happened recently : errm, saw a long time no see friend.
7.Most stressed about recently : not really, just finished exam hahahaha.
8.What is your dream about future : tak tau.
9.Do you have someone you like : yaa.
10.Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : o..
11.Most happy to hang out with : friends..family!
12.If two of your friends were having conflicts : hahaha. help them.
13.Where is preferably the place to go with your lover: eh, lover, pegi mana? XD
14.What to do in Christmas : i don't know wor.
15.Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with : friends! family!
16.Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : dono??
17.How many siblings do you have : 3 included me. =x
18.Favourite song(Female) : BANYAK!!
19.Favourite song(Male) : BANYAK!!
20.Favourite Colour : depends.
21.Flush before using the toilets? : BEFORE?? nope.
22.Love me not? : yayaya.
23.Affectionate to guys or girls : ??
24.What do you wants to shout out loudly : MA DE!! lol. muahahaha OR XX I LOVE You ahahhaha.
25.Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night? : NO!!!
26.Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : FOR WHAT?
27.Who's the bastard : haha bastard lo.
28.What's the current affection : what ?
29.Sleeps uglily : HAHA perhaps XD
30.Whats the time now :5.42pm
31.Do you hate the person who tagged you : who should i ?
32.Weight : hahaha. Fat. 52.
33.Weather today : nice.
34.Are you pregnant : WOW?! AM I ? NO!!
35.What will you do if you win a lottery : hahah wait i kena 1st.
36.An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : wait till uni-life 1st lo.

1.Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : eleanor..
2.How long have you known him/her : hmm...... =x
3.Do you think that he/she is important to you? : As a friend, YES!
4.Your relationship with him/her : friend.
5.Whats his/hers hobby? : eh, what's your hobby? =p
6.What do you think about his/her personality? : Don't know wo.
7.His/her points of importance in your heart : i tak tau =x

*1st thing before sleep : think think think lo. tutup mata.
*1st thing after awaking from sleep : buka mata.
*Your idol : wah. banyak la.
*Favourite season : here no four season.. so i don't know =x
*Worked part-time before? : no.
*Times worked : ...
*Country that wanted to go most : many.. Taiwan, hong kong, new york, australia, korea =.=
*Personality hated : hahahahaha.
*Are you a crybaby? : maybe??
*You laugh alot? : fuiyohhh. SURE. xD
*Do you like to go out alone? : nope
*What time you wake up if it was a holiday? : depends.
*Today's weather(Sunny Rainy Cloudy): Cloudy?
*Choose between Friends and Lover : BOTH!! hahahaha
*Choose between Chances and Fates : CHANCES AND FATES.. =p depends
*Are you narcissist? : what?
*Is this questionnaire long? : quite..
*How to make yourself feel better every time? : listen to songs.
*Favourite food : FUIYOH. see my size sure know many fav food lo. xD
*Do you like ice? : HAR???
*Are you full of happiness? : quite!
*Which are the friends that you cared the most? : friends lor. what are you asking?
*Whats the most important item in your bed room? : ....... ALL
*Most consistent dream at sleep : i always dream laa. no matter awake or sleep =.=
*Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient? : hernggg~
*Whats the meaning of life? : how i know..
*Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): don't know laa.
*When do you hate me? : since when i hate you before? hahahaha
*Like Taoism or Confucianism? : apa tu?
*Favourite cake? : i love cakes!
*Can we stop this game now? : perhaps xD
*Do you like sardins? ^^ : yeaaa
*Who knows you the best? : i don't know.
*IQ higher or EQ? : don't know. xD
*Computer or Mobile Phone : computer.
*Prefer to sleep or play? : PLAY!
*Friendster or Facebook? : friendster. i didn't play facebook.
*Whats your wish right now? : happy and healthy!
*Tired? : nope.
*Favourite drinks : depends lorrr.
*What do you think of the humanity and personality of the person who tagged you? : don't know wo..

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