Thursday, April 16, 2009

april test over

huhu. finally the april test is over =)
I study in last minute... because i always can't remember what i had read if i study earlier. even though i study in last minute, doesn't mean that i can remember.. xD because i just read..didn't hafal. XD i don't hafal books =P but can remember some lo... aiyo. =P
I did my best. XD

hmm.. so.. lets talk about last saturday. XD
Had a war in class. yes, it was schooling day, the replacement for hari raya.
British VS Malaysia..
and the result was... both of them lost! haha. DRAW!
quite lame. the participants was chew, soh, kwong ming, yan, and ee meng.
-.- this was what i can remember.
want to post earlier but i don't have time.. no, maybe i'm lazy =P

last sunday, went to kuantan parade.
Abin was there. the guy who sing "ni shi hao ren, ye shi ge huai ren..."
in the newspaper was written 7pm. but the banner in kuantan parade wrote 7.30pm..
I went there at 8pm.. XD and that time he havent come out yet. wakaka.
not much people.. i can say is.. very less!
the second singer whom i saw the real people. the first was nicholas! muahaha. so bad that i can't go during evan yo, jj lin, and genie! arrh~
not really like Abin. but i like his song. he's quite handsome! he's slim!
I didn't buy his album, so i didn't go up the stage for his signature =P
Actually i just went there to listen to his song! first time listen to live singing. feels good. LOL
I want to go concert!! yes, lee hom. =x i want to go lee hom's concert... but now i don't want to go already. =p
I read the post i had posted last time. I found out that i wrote many many that i wanted to go to nicholas's concert SO MUCH. wtf but ended up can't go. So, i don't want to write anymore. hahahaaa.
Next time i sure go when i'm big! lol
I don't know why i love concerts.. Going to concert is one of my dream hahahhaa.
but must see who was the singer laah =p

And, i clipped my hair to school everyday! but the teachers never see me.
Why must wear tie everyday?What is the point? look more like a student? how if wear but doesn't wear properly? XD look like samseng? hahahha

first day of test, the papers was.. BM, BI, SENI and GEO.
Seni was just colouring. and i get A. one hour only, i can't finish. so, simply colour. xD
The drawing was about 3 people, taking a malaysia flag, on the top of the mountain, and there was bunga raya =.= and it was not A4 size. BIG size wey!
today,I took other class paper and see. I saw desmond's (lim).. his mountain was gunung berapi. he added xD wakaka. his colouring nice wey! wakaka.
He should get higher marks la! hahaha
i was like, zaadaooooo! and keep on laughing when saw his paper XD shhh.
Yesterday was.. science, history, civic and moral.
and today! BC, MM, PJ and KH.
damn the pj was in subjective. I think i falied! haha
He asked us to describe
naik turun bangku.
and i wrote,
"kaki naik ke bangku, turun dari bangku. Ulang "
tekan tubi
tapak tangan di atas lantai, kaki lurus. Tangan bengkong, badan ke bawah tetapi tidak menyentuh lantai. Tangan lurus, badan ke atas. Ulang. "
LOL! whatthef i'm writing i also don't know.
dono what jangkau dy.
"kaki lurus, tangan lurus dan menyentuh kaki. "
and one more i left it blank. all the four question stand for 10 marks each, which mean 40 marks!
and two more question, the BMI formula. and asked us to count the BMI.. i forgotten dy. hahahaa. 10 marks there i think.
omg my pj teacher is mansot. don't know he'll scold anot XD
damn this year no pj at all!

lol. at first i want to pass up blank paper. but then nothing to do.. so i simply write some words lor. xD
Who will read PJ text book worr ? xD

nah nah nah ~

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