Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mega with classmates.

hahahaha! today went to megamall with classmates. XD
9 shit noob, gazat and ee meng.
and we bumped into Apon in pizza hut! haha. Yea, our classmate too =p
aiyaaa but too bad i din't go to take photo with him while some of them went!! Arghh!
was the noisiest table there. haha
Evonne came my house and went to megamall together around 1pm.
met with jordan and kwong ming at popular.
then waited for others to come.
we don't know what we wanted to do. haha. just hang around.
finally all of them were here, and we went to capcom. Li wei phoned up and said she can't make it because her mom doesn't want to fetch her to megamall.
So we went to capcom and play lor. HAHA
so fun XD played till sweat hahaha. we played the basketball one, deng why annie and me only can get 100++ marks while the others till 400++ marks! annie and me playing one machine.
next time i want to play until stage 4! oh racing car. =.= and..... hit the animal one. lol. we also got play the small kid play de bsb. =P
and we could change 3 stickers =))
and then, LI WEI! she phoned! and said she was coming. lol. her dad fetched her. she was crying at the house =x
then, pizza hut =)
bumped into raney too. XD
HAHAHAHAHA we saw many "_____________".. the tudung really 大到!!! just like ________ hahahahaha.

and !!!!! argghh! we went to parkson.. then, a malay women, keep looking at us, and following us! damn! when we wanna get out from parkson, she was still following us!! WTH! and she summore take out her walkie talkie or i dono WTH is that... she was just like a gen pi chong,or gen mei gou. =p
What now? you think we wanna steal things ke? F.
others told us that they went in to the fitting room to take photos, and the women scolded them LOL. Evonne and me didn't get scold by them because we was still in popular that time.

banyak lagi gambar. kat evonne, jordan sana.
hahaha. thats all.
upload after i get. =PP

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