Monday, April 6, 2009

Hair !!

hmm. actually, today nothing special happened.. but then....
it's all about HAIR!
no matter boy or girl..
yes, our school was getting more strict and more strict man!
in the buku peraturan, it was written that our fringe must above the eyebrow. if it's longer than the eyebrow, must clip.
but sometimes i saw those girls' fringe was above the eyebrow lo! but they still caught by teachers.
So.........and sometimes if we clip our hair, also will get scolded. just like liong lee yee.
totally speechless lo.
kaykey said pui yee and her also scolded and saman by the teacher. ohmygod i was like.. kaykey worrr?!?! walao..
for boys, today en.rod came class by class with his scissors. =.=
so, our class boys' hair was cut for free.
Chew, jun yuan, amirul, and also soh! woww~
oh, the teacher took photos too.
desmond hair is just so nice today. lol. he combed..? haaaa. xD
but his hair also kena.
the side hair.
jun yuan was so extremely sad because his pretty hair was cut!
actually not much changes only la..
chew is the most obvious one lo. haha.

don't tell me i have to clip my hair everyday ! WTF! ............?
this is rule... LOL LOL LOL!!!~~~~
My game, my rules.. dragonball!! WOHOO!
can i don't follow? XD XD XD
don't play play arh! say say only la! lol

Ohhhhhhhh. test next week!

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