Tuesday, April 7, 2009

long story.



hmm.. when i sitting infront the computer then i forget what i want to say. =.=

Oooooh, today is special day because today is my mom's birthday. haha

They want me to write =PP
evonne said she stomachache today.
evonne said she love zhe jun.
Eu chen said he's more handsome now.
Jordan said he's more fit now.
Eu Chen is going to Lee Hom's concert on 2nd may 2009!!!!! AHHHHH!! but.. cheh.. inside his bc essay only =p haha
today they wrote a essay..我受了委屈。 haha.=p we kept on laughing.. hahaha.
they was so hardworking because bc teacher said if never write then must stay back. so...........they was busy writing the essay. haha..
bla bla bla.

Soh, Desmond, xing hui and more... went to cut their hair, EXCEPT Jun Yuan =.= maybe he mm seh dak his hair.. haha.
desmond said his new hair style looks like lin dan. haha. Yea, quite XD

Civic, went to the lap again.
To see photos.. hmm nice photos! haha
" Saw any handsome guys or pretty girls? " mr yong asked. xD
Choir's photos most funny and nice.. haha.

Many teachers didn't come.. has many relief periods.
Today was choral speaking competition so BI teacher didn't come.
They said BM teacher was admitted in the hospital..


Today, caught by en.roduan while i'm going to moral =.=
because i didn't clip up my fringe. huhu~ -.- li wei also kena, she kena first. at first i was save but... evonne was SAVE! lol!

en.rod,me, mr yong.
nampak saya baru klip, kelas apa?
sama kelas dengan dia.. 3rk5.
saya mau call ayah kamu datang bawak kamu gunting rambut. tak payah klip, gunting je. saya mau beritahu pengetua nama perempuan yang rambut panjang tapi tak klip. esok saya pegi kelas kamu.
cliping my hair loh of course =.=
mr yong was standing there and he came.
kalau lain kali tak klip, saya call ayah kamu.
aiya, lain kali saya selalu klip lor.
dia? tak payah risau la. dia bagus.ooh saya tau ayah dia! Mr Wai ada berapa orang.. polis kan? dulu dia datang sini tangkap kongsi gelap. saya penasihat tau. tapi sekarang ayahnya sudah pencen. kan?
har? Oo. sekarang adjuster.
oo. next time i got accident then i come and find your father..

lol. something like that laa. didn't remember well. cause not about good thing hahaha =p

i also don't know mr.yong knew my dad. and i don't even know my daddy came to sabs before to catch kongsi gelap. lol. Until now only i realized. i asked daddy and he said he went to many schools to catch bad students before. oO


From now on, I must clip my hair everyday! i must show my forehead everyday` ~.~ Grrr. Or i must cut it shorter!! but i just cut only laaah! need to cut how many times =.=
but really lazy to clip la... very difficult to clip one leh.. =.= hahahaa
-.- fine fine fine.. this is school. Must follow the law..
Just Follow Law..
``got black and white anot? hahaha.
`` follow the law lahh! hhahaha.
``V.I.P how to spell? hahaha.
Lim teng zui XDD hahaha

Don't forget to watch Phua Chu Kang! tomorrow.. hahahaaaaaa. ROSIE, pck's wife. LOL!!! really zadao`

will write more when i remember what i left out. hahaa.
Will remember this day!
`memory =.=

read too many giddens (jiu ba dao)'s novel dy.. so i want to write down the things happened in my life.. so i can flash back! =.= LOL!
hahaha. maybe next time i can write a novel also.. hahaha. *dreaming XD* no actually im just joking. hahaha
oh ya i had finished the novel..

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